
3.6K 61 9

I'm back home in Parma. I landed at the airport about two hours ago and took a cab back to my apartment. Charles and I haven't talked since I left this morning. He had to head to the track to do some stuff with his team and I had to catch my flight so we didn't really get to discuss much about what happened between us last night. I'm trying not to think too much about it because I don't want to stress myself out. Besides I'm a 30 year old woman, I can't be stressing over a boy who is only 25 even if I find him to be completely wonderful. 

My goal for this week is to hopefully find a job and also get ready to go to France to see Ezra race. I'm still debating on letting him know I'm coming or not. I'm leaning more towards surprising him since things between us are still tense. Thinking of his race, I remember my conversation with Lando about possibly meeting me there for it. Grabbing my phone, I send a quick text to Charles not expecting him to reply quickly because I assume he's busy.

        Me: Can I have Lando's number?
        Charles: Why?
        Me: I want to text him about going to Ezra's race this weekend, he mentioned maybe wanting to come and I told him I'm give him the info.
        Charles: Why would he want to go to Ezra's race?
         Me: I told him Ezra was a big fan and would love to meet him so he said he would try to come and watch his race since it's in France and you guys have the weekend off. Why are you being so weird?
         Charles: I'm not being weird. Just give me the info and I'll tell him. He's still at the track too.
          Me: I'll just ask Kelly to get it for me. I'm sure Max has it.

I wasn't expecting Charles to respond so quickly and I wasn't expecting him to respond this way. Is he jealous or just really protective of his friends' phone numbers? I'm about to text Kelly to ask for Lando's number when another text from Charles comes through, this one displaying a phone number who I'm assuming is Lando's. I shoot off a quick thanks and save the number to my phone. Once it's saved, I text him with the information.

        Me: Hey Lando! It's Lydia, Charles friend. We talked last night about you maybe coming to see my sons karting race this weekend in Paris. It's at RKC Karting and starts at 2pm.
         Lando: Hey Lydia, I'm happy you texted! I would love to come watch Ezra race. How are you getting to Paris?
         Me: Oh?? Well I'm glad I messaged then. I'm planning on flying out from Parma on Thursday :)
         Lando: Yeah, I was trying to get yours from Charles last night but he was being weird about it for some reason. Why are you in Parma?
Before I can respond I get a text from Charles.

         Charles: What are you and Lando texting about? He's smiling like a little school girl.
         Me: He just said he asked you for my number last night but you were being weird about it.
         Charles: That's because he wanted it so he could ask you out.
         Me: Be serious.
         Charles: I am being serious.
         Me: Does he not know about us?
         Charles: I may have told him it wasn't serious between us...
           Me: Oh.
           Charles: That was before what happened last night...
           Me: I didn't think last night meant much to you.
          Charles: Why would you say that?
          Me: Both times I told you how I was feeling you didn't respond. You literally didn't say anything about what happened at all.

I'm staring at my phone waiting for him to respond. Instead my phone starts ringing in my hand, with Charles' name written across the screen requesting to FaceTime me. I take a deep breath before answering the call. 

"Mon soleil, I am stupid." Charles tells me once our call connects and I can't help but smile at his choice of words, reminiscent of his famous radio feed from his crash in Azerbaijan.

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