Getaway Car

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Lydia's POV

It's Wednesday, and Charles, Morgan and I just arrived at COTA for the Pirelli Hot Laps challenge that Charles and I agreed to. Morgan is with us because she officially accepted Charles offer to be his personal assistant yesterday and today is her first day on the job.

Luckily I convinced her to accept it when it looked like for a moment she wasn't going to because Jeremy is a fucking idiot. I told her to not make the decision based on a man, and to make the decision on what was best for herself. It only took her a few hours to figure out that there were no cons in accepting Charles offer and the rest is history. I'm ecstatic because it means she'll be moving to Europe too and I won't have to say goodbye to her, and with her working for Charles that means I'll get to see her all of the time.

As we get out of the car I hear Morgan groan beside me and I glance over to see her ignoring a call from Jeremy. She hasn't talked to him since Monday night and he's not taking it well, but I don't blame her for needing space. She's had to deal with a lot of emotional situations these past few days with finding out her boyfriend cheated on her, then finding out Jeremy and her both actually have feelings for each other. And then her having the opportunity to be with Jer and pursue something real, only to have him not say anything at all and freeze. She's confused and frustrated. I grab her hand and squeeze in support and she smiles at me. We follow Charles through the paddock and finally reach pit lane where all of the cars doing the hot laps are currently parked.

We approach a group of people and I recognize one as Francesca. She's talking to two other people I don't recognize and then standing nearby them I see Lewis Hamilton talking to a guy with twisted dreadlocks. When we approach the group I realize the guy with the dreadlocks is John Mechie. He was drafted by the Houston Texans in 2022 as a wide receiver but unfortunately had to sit out his rookie year due to being diagnosed with leukemia. Charles grabs my hand and leads us towards Lewis and John. Lewis and Charles clap hands in greeting and Charles introduces me and Morgan to Lewis.

"This is..." Lewis starts to say pointing to John but I'm too excited and cut him off.

"John Mechie." I say excitedly as I hold out my hand towards him to shake. He smiles brightly down at me as he takes my hand in his. His tongue comes out to lick his lips as he runs his eyes up and down me and I can't help but blush. Charles takes a step closer to me and I turn to see him staring at me questioningly. I laugh as I drop John's hand but bring my gaze back to John.

"It's so awesome to meet you. I hope you are feeling better." I tell him.

"I am feeling great, thank you." He answers with confusion and I smile.

"I'm sorry, I am just so surprised you know who I am. I wasn't expecting anyone in this crowd to truly know who I was so I'm a little flustered." He confesses and I laugh.

"I'm from Austin and have been a huge Texans fan my whole life." I explain and he nods in understanding.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but can you please share with the class who he is? Not everyone here knows." Morgan announces loudly as she comes up beside me and holds her hand out to John who laughs. Lewis laughs as well and I notice him glancing at Charles with a strange look.

"I'm a wide receiver for the Houston Texans." I hear John tell Morgan as I glance at Charles. He is staring at John with narrowed eyes and I realize that he's staring at him like he's jealous. I grab his hand that's resting possessively on my hip and squeeze trying to get his attention. His eyes find mine a moment later and I give him an incredulous look with my eyebrows raised because he cannot be jealous right now. But he gets distracted when Francesca now approaches our group.

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