Here With Me

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(3 months later)

Lydia's POV

Since Charles won the championship things have been absolutely amazing. Once we left Abu Dhabi, we headed to San Diego for Ezra's birthday and Christmas. Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale joined us there and we spent most of December together as a family before heading to Monaco for New Years. It was amazing bringing in the new year with Charles and finally being back in Europe for good.

Jeremy, Morgan and Bianca also came to Monaco for New Years as well where it seems like a lot of drama went down with Lando and Bianca. I still don't know what happened between the two of them. They had been inseparable since Austin, constantly talking on the phone, FaceTiming, Bianca even went to the Las Vegas GP as his date and he even visited her in December and they went on a little weekend trip Allen together to the desert. As far as I know they haven't talked since New Years and Bianca made us all swear not to tell Lando that she's now living in London going to school.

As for Morgan and Jeremy, they seem to be doing amazing. Morgan is planning on spending half of her time in Austria with him and half of the time in Maranello. Meanwhile I've been mainly based in Austria and Monaco. Charles and I decided to invest in a house in Austria near one of the ski resorts that's not too far from Salzburg. Although we are currently in Monaco we've been spending some time there this winter and I'll be living there a majority of the time once Charles' season starts again instead of Monaco. Ezra has been splitting his time between Monaco and Maranello during his off season before his Formula 3 season starts in a few weeks.

Luckily my parents haven't broken their contract. Last I heard was that my father ended up getting caught with his partners daughter so he had to resign and due to that my mother is divorcing him. I guess that prompted my dad to expose her affair that she was having for years with Ezra's dads father. Which leads to what my parents did to Spencer and why my mother didn't want anyone to find out. Charles PI was able to find out what they did to him relatively quickly. I guess my parents paid him to stay away from me. He was willing to support me in my pregnancy and apparently he even offered to marry me because he loved me and wanted us to be a family.

When my mother realized that us being linked in that way would cause problems in her relationship with Spencer's father she offered Spencer money to end things with me and never talk to me or Ezra. I'm not sure why Spencer agreed, nor do I care but it's interesting to know that he never wanted out, that he was willing to be there for me before my mother intervened. Not that it matters anymore for me, but it does change things for Ez.

After Charles and I told Ezra this we gave him the option to meet his dad. He only a few weeks ago decided that he wanted to reach out and they've been talking on the phone every few days to get to know each other. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I'm glad that maybe they both can gain some kind of relationship from this information coming to light.

"What are you thinking about mon soleil?" Charles asks me shaking me from my thoughts. I've been sitting on the couch in the living room, while Charles has been playing the piano. It's our last day together before Charles leaves for the first race in Bahrain. I turn to face him as he starts to play something I've never heard before.

"Nothing important. What are you playing? It's beautiful." I ask as I lean my head down on top of the couch ledge and stare at him playing, admiring how his hands move across the keys so fluidly. He turns to look at me then with a soft smile, his dimples on full display and I get butterflies. It amazes me that I still get butterflies when he looks at me that way.

"Just something I've been working on." He tells me with a smirk as he continues playing and I can't help but wonder what he's scheming.

"I was thinking we could get "married" in November around our anniversary. There's a few weeks break then and in a way it could be sort of like a vow renewal." He says after a few moments and I smile, liking the idea of that. He looks at me once more as he finishes the song and I watch as he gets up from the piano bench and makes his way over to where I'm sitting. Instead of sitting down beside me like I expected, I watch as he drops down to one knee in front of me and my stomach fills with butterflies as I realize what he's doing. He grabs my hands and brings them to his as he stares into my eyes with so much love it makes my heart beat faster.

"Mon soleil, I know we're already married but I think you deserve a real proposal, not one that was in a bathtub. So, Lydia Kincaid...from the moment I saw you standing outside of that crappy bar in Italy I was entranced by you. It felt like my world shifted axis the first time you smiled at me. And of course I got nervous and acted like an ass making you run away from me. Luck was surprisingly on my side and brought you to me once again in Maranello. I'm so thankful that fate seemed to keep bringing us together no matter what stupid decisions I made along the way and I am so thankful for your patience and forgiveness while I was being an idiot. I finally got it right when I realized I couldn't be without you and I'm so blessed to be able to call you my wife already in private. But will you please say yes to being my fiancé in public? Because I love you and I'm ready for the world to know that you're mine forever." He tells me and I'm crying so much that I can barely see him through the tears.

Without another thought, I rush to hug him which causes us him to lose balance and we both fall to the floor beneath us. I don't even care, I'm too busy kissing my husband to care that we're now lying on the ground.

"Is that a yes mon soleil?" He asks with a chuckle as he tries to pull away from me but I don't let him. Instead I kiss him deeper, wrapping my hands into his hair as I move to straddle him. His hands wrap around me as I deepen our kiss and I feel them trailing up my back a few seconds later.

I moan when one of his hands reaches my hair and he tugs my head back so he can move away from my mouth and kiss along my neck. I can't take it anymore and I start working on removing our clothes. It's only a few moments later we're both naked and desperate.

He stares up at me with hooded eyes as I guide him inside of me. We both moan when he reaches the hilt and I bend down to kiss him before I start moving slowly, grinding against him wanting to savor this time with him. It doesn't take long before things turn wild and frenzied. We end up coming at the same time, our mouths swallowing each others moans as we fall over the edge together. With one last kiss, I climb off of Charles and move to lay beside him on the floor. He rolls to face me and rests his hand on my stomach, gently rubbing his thumb against my skin. 

"It's crazy to think that we could have just made a baby." He tells me, causing butterflies to erupt under his hand just thinking about the possibility.

"I can't wait to find out." I whisper as I put my hand over his.

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