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I spend the rest of the early afternoon setting up my work things and texting Kelly and Ezra. I let them both know that I'm going to be in Paris this weekend. Unfortunately Ezra can't meet me, he has some team thing he has to go do, no exceptions. Kelly told me that she will come visit me Friday and Saturday but will need to head to Italy first thing Sunday morning for Max's race. I tell her she doesn't have to come to Paris at all, but she insists and I love her dearly for it. She knows how much I need her and I'm so thankful. 

After I'm done setting everything up, I head back downstairs to find Jeremy had made us some lunch. We chat and eat together and we're laughing at a particularly hilarious story of Jeremy in his college days when the front door slams open and two voices follow. Morgan and Bianca come into the kitchen arm in arm, looking so beautiful and bohemian. I'm instantly jealous of both of their outfits. 

"Good morning! How are you today? Did you get enough sleep?" Morgan immediately asks me as she walks up and gives me a huge hug. Bianca follows suit with a hug once Morgan lets go of me. My heart clenches in my chest, wondering how I was so lucky to meet such wonderful people. 

"I slept for like 12 hours straight. I feel great!" I respond with a smile. Jeremy gives me a look over Morgan and Bianca's shoulders, letting me know I'm somewhat lying through my teeth. I'm far from great, but I'm getting there. 

"That's great news! That means you'll be able to go out with us tonight!" Bianca shouts and both girls squeal in excitement. Jer and I smile at their excitement even though I'm somewhat nervous to go out with them. 

"You three are going to cause so much trouble." Jeremy grumbles and I can't help but laugh at his worry. 

"You'll just have to come with us to keep us in line then, old man." I joke with a wink and he narrows his eyes at me while Morgan and Bianca cackle. 

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Morgan asks me and I shrug.

"We're going to the gym in a few minutes. Then I thought I would take her on a drive around the area and then to old town. Then tonight we'll go wherever you guys want and maybe end the night with a bonfire on the beach here." Jeremy answers and I'm instantly excited. I can't wait to see more of San Diego. 

"Awesome, we'll come with you!" Bianca replies with a bright smile. 

"Speak for yourself girl, I'm not going to the gym. We already ran 5 miles this morning." Morgan counters and Bianca laughs.  

"Fine, how about we meet you at Better Buzz in PB after you guys are done at the gym?" Bianca asks to which Jeremy nods in agreement. 

A few minutes later, Jeremy and I excuse ourselves to get ready for the gym. I quickly put on my white sports bra, black sweat pants, as well as a black baseball cap and my converse. I meet Jeremy downstairs and I see he's wearing a similar outfit to mine. A white tee shirt, black sweatpants, black hat, but instead of converse he's wearing vans. It makes me laugh when I realize we match. Jeremy rolls his eyes and tells me to get a move on it as he walks out the front door. I follow him quickly, with my two cell phones in hand. I realize too late that I have both but it's too late now to put my old one away. 

I follow Jeremy, thinking he's going to the G-Wagon to drive, but instead I see him head towards a bright red 1976 Mercedes 450SL Cabriolet. It's absolutely beautiful and I am smiling so brightly as Jeremy holds the door open for me. He chuckles as I sit down and my mouth drops open as I take in the interior. I watch as he walks around to the drivers side where he proceeds to take the top down on the convertible and start the car. My smile grows bigger as we take off down the road.

"You have the best cars! I'm so jealous." I tell him as we drive. He smiles wickedly at me and winks which makes me laugh. I wait for the butterflies to come, but they don't. You would think they would be flying with an attractive man winking at me but nope. I surprisingly don't have any of those kinds of feelings towards Jeremy. Yes, he's gorgeous but I'm definitely not sexually attracted to him, which is good. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to have a crush on my boss. 

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