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Charles POV

After my run in with Lydia this morning I've been on cloud 9. When I barged back into the airbnb this morning Kelly was the only one who was awake and the moment she saw me, her eyes narrowed.

"You look like you're in a good mood this morning." She responds as I walk to the refrigerator to grab a water. I can't keep the smile off my face as I hum in response to her comment.

"I ran into Lydia while I was out." I say after I swallow a large gulp of water and I watch as Kellys gaze moves from her phone in front of her to my face, her expression one of confusion.

"It was like fate, us both being out at the same time in the same place." I muse, more to myself than to her.

"Did you talk to her?" She asks me and I smile brightly once more.

"I did, and she finally unblocked me." I tell her as I take the seat next to her at the island. She stares at me slack jawed with her eyes wide in surprise.

"I have a good feeling about this Kell." I continue.

"You can't fuck this up Charles. If you want to be with her, you need to be all in this time. No games. No outside parties influencing you. No second guessing things. She won't ever forgive you if you break her heart again. I want you two together, we all do. But don't think for a second that we won't choose her side if push comes to shove. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a phone call to make." She tells me and pushes out of her chair to go back to the room her and Max are sharing.

"I won't fuck it up! I won't be making the same mistakes twice!" I yell out to her as she walks away but she doesn't acknowledge what I said.

I know I'm lucky that she even still talks to me, that Max and Lando still talk to me. They all wanted to kill me when everything went down with Lydia, but after I explained everything and told them countless times how much Lydia means to me, they finally relented and offered to help me get her back in my good graces. If Lydia ends up giving me another chance, there's no way I'll fuck up again. I won't allow myself to ever treat her the way I did, ever again.

The rest of the morning I try to stay busy. I cook breakfast for everyone and then clean all the dishes. After that I take a long shower and fantasize about how Lydia felt in my arms this morning and how much I wanted to bend down and kiss her full pink lips. That thought leads me to how those luscious lips would look wrapped around my dick once more and I end up coming long and hard with her name on my lips. My hand has been my best friend since Lydia left and I'm not ashamed to admit it. As much as I miss the sex...there's no way I could think about sleeping with someone else that's not Lydia. I only want her.

After my shower, I take my time getting ready for the first day of the festival. We are planning on leaving here around noon so I have an hour to get ready. I get dressed in my favorite pair of blue jeans and the blue striped shirt that I got in Sardinia to match Lydia. I finish the look off with white Nike high tops and my typical jewelry with a few additions. I'm now sporting Lydia's Cartier Love bracelet on my right wrist and the dandelion necklace I gave her around my neck. Some people might think it's too feminine and maybe it is, but I don't care. They are the two pieces of jewelry that I bought for Lydia that she wore most often and they mean the most.

At first I was heartbroken and angry when I got back to Monaco to find the box of returned gifts I bought her sitting on my kitchen island. I was pissed that she didn't want to keep anything, it felt like I meant nothing to her. That my gifts meant nothing. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that she'd return everything. She hated me buying her gifts. Not that she wasn't thankful for them or love them, she did. But she didn't want or need materialistic things. She wasn't with me for my money. She just wanted me.

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