Fine Line

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Charles POV

When I walk into the restaurant I'm feeling much better than I was when I left Lydia at the airbnb. After she told me she was considering her parents proposal I could not stop thinking about what I could do to stop her parents all together. The whole drive back to the house I was coming up with options of what I could do to help because I was determined to fix this for her and Ezra. I know she would never ask for help and there was no way I was letting her parents do this. They don't deserve a single cent of that inheritance after everything they've done.

Her mother was worse than I could never imagine and her father didn't even say a word during the whole exchange. I still don't understand how they made such an amazing human. In my opinion that's the only good thing they've ever done.

I understand why Lydia told me she's considering their proposal just wanting them to leave her and Ezra alone. But something tells me that even if she and Ez agreed to it, her parents would still try to pry into her life. I saw the way her father looked at me, could see the dollar signs in his eyes, the intrigue in my notoriety and status. And once Ezra got into Formula 1 as well, they would ramp it up even more.

So I needed to figure out a way to prevent them from ever getting a cent from the inheritance and for them to leave us alone forever. The idea struck me right as we pulled up to the airbnb and I rushed into the house so I could change and grab the letter from Lydia's grandmother. I hide it behind my back under my shirt so Lydia can't see it. I don't want her to worry about what I'm about to do.

When she comes into our room a few minutes later she sits on the bed and watches me as I put my shoes and jewelry on. Once I'm done, I look up at her and she looks sad. I need to fix this now so I can make her smile again. It's the most important thing to me.

"I'll meet you at the restaurant, I have to go do something first." I tell her as she stares at me and I rush out of the room to my car. I'm in a rush because everyone is waiting at the restaurant already but I know Lydia will be fine to get to the restaurant without me. As I pull out of the driveway I pull out my phone and find the contract information from the PI who I hired to look into Lydia's parents.

"Charles, congratulations on your race win." He says as he answers and I tell him thank you before he asks me why I called him.

"Did you find out any other information on Lydia's parents?" I ask.

"I've found a lot. Those people have a lot of dark secrets. Do you want me to send it all to you?" He asks me and I tell him yes just as I pull up to the hotel the Ferrari team is staying in. He tells me he'll send it now and we hang up the phone.

When I get into the hotel, I have the front desk call Nicholas and Francesca to let then know I need to speak with them and go wait in one of the small conference rooms while I pull up the email the PI just sent me. When I start reading all of the information he's found my jaw drops. Dark secrets is putting it lightly.

A few minutes later Nicholas and Francesca come into the room with concerned looks in their faces. As I tell them everything that is going on with Lydia ever since we found out about the will, they can't believe everything I'm telling them. It's definitely stuff worthy of a soap opera.

"So what's your plan? We'll help you in any way possible." Nicholas tells me when I finish telling them.

"The PI I hired just sent me more information about them, information that I know they would not want to get out. I want to get them to sign a legal document stating that they will never contact Lydia, Ezra, myself or any future children we have. As well as drop their pointless attempts at gaining access to the will and in exchange we won't release the information we have on them." I tell him and he furrows his brow. Technically it's probably blackmail that I'm suggesting but I don't care.

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