Feel So Close

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When we step into the suite, we hear nothing but silence. Ezra turns to me, and hands me a note from the entry table from Arthur letting us know they went to one of the restaurants for dinner, telling us to meet up with them once we return. I decide that I'm not up to meet them, opting to stay at the suite. Ezra makes sure that I'm okay before making his way to the restaurant. Since I have the suite to myself, I decide to take a swim in the pool before going to bed early. I'm exhausted from my run, and then all of the emotions I've felt throughout the day. The water feels wonderful as I step into it, and I eventually glide under the water. I startle when I come back up to the surface, when I see Charles standing at the edge of the pool.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I ask, worried something maybe happened to Ez.

"No. Nothing is wrong, except for me being stupid." He replies quietly, and I furrow my brows in confusion which makes him frown.

"I don't understand." I say after a moment when he doesn't explain any further. He smiles slightly at my response and runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"If you're here because you're worried about me. I'm fine, you can go back to the restaurant." I tell him as I go back to swimming, starting to move across the pool further away from where he's standing. He watches me silently for a moment before responding.

"I'm here because I need to apologize for earlier. You didn't deserve my reaction."

"No need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing to you for even bringing it up."

"No you shouldn't be. You asked for the right reasons, not because you're trying to get a story. I just momentarily forgot that." He tells me and I'm filled with a wave of sadness that Charles has to deal with people who only talk to him about things for a story. That's why I'm surprised he never had me sign a NDA.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sign a NDA?" I ask softly, turning my gaze back to him.

"I'm positive. I will never ask you to sign one." He replies with a sigh. I nod an okay, but don't say anything more as I start swimming my way back to the stairs of the pool so I can get out.

"Okay, well I guess thank you for the apology even though it was unnecessary. Now go back and have dinner with Ez and Arthur." I tell him as I walk to grab a towel near where he's standing. His hands are in his pockets and he's staring at my body as I dry myself off, not moving.

"Come with me." He replies as I finish drying myself off and I shake my head no in response.

"Then I'm staying here." He tells me.

"I'm going to bed now, so please don't worry about me and go back to the dinner." I say with a little annoyance that he's being difficult. He furrows his brow when I say I'm going to bed and takes a step towards me.

"Bed? Already? Are you feeling okay?" He asks with worry and he starts following behind me as I make my way to our room so I can change out of my swimsuit.

"I'm feeling fine. Just a little emotionally drained and want to get some sleep." I reply as I walk into the closet and grab my pajamas, then turn around and head to the bathroom. I'm about to shut the door when Charles follows me in and leans against the vanity as he watches me start to do my nighttime routine.

"Seriously, go have a nice dinner. You'll be bored here otherwise." I tell him as I lather moisturizer on my face.

"Mon soleil, stop telling me to leave. I'm where I want to be."

I tell him fine and continue getting ready for bed. When I'm brushing my teeth, Charles walks out of the bathroom and I wonder where he went off to when I start taking off my bathing suit to put my pajamas on. Just as I get my top off, Charles walks back into the bathroom dressed in only a pair of grey sweatpants. I stop midway putting on my shirt, as I stare at him through the mirror. He bites his lip as he stares at my exposed breasts and my body instantly reacts and blood rushes to my nipples causing them to harden even more than they already were. Fuck, he's so sexy. I slowly pull down my pajama top and clear my throat.

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