I Won't Let You Go

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Charles POV

When I get back to the airbnb after my workout with Andrea, Lydia ushers me into the shower telling me I have thrifty minutes to get ready before we leave. She wouldn't tell me where we were going just that I needed to dress casual in jeans, a tee shirt and some sneakers.

Once I'm showered and dressed I make my way to find her. She's sitting in the living room talking to Jeremy, Morgan and Bianca. They all turn to me when I walk into the room. Jeremy and Bianca both wish me a happy birthday as Lydia stands and walks over to me with an excited smile. A minute later we're climbing into the car and Lydia is setting up her phone with the Bluetooth and GPS. She puts some EDM music on low volume as I pull out of the driveway and follow the directions.

It's not until we are pulling into the parking lot of an indoor karting track that I realize what we're doing. Excitement rips through me as I turn to look at Lydia who is smiling at me. I quickly park the car and climb out. Lydia meets me at the front of the car and we make our way inside.

When we step inside I see Arthur, Ezra, Lorenzo and Charlotte all standing there waiting for us and I turn to look at Lydia with a broad smile on my face. How did I end up getting so lucky to have found her? I hug everyone hello while they all wish me happy birthday. Lydia talks to the people who run the track and I find out that she rented out the whole space for two hours so we could have it to ourselves.

It's doesn't take us very long to get started. We each get helmets for protection but they also have radios in them so we can all talk to each other while we're racing. With the package Lydia got for us, we get one practice race, a qualifying race and then the final race with each one being 14 laps. I'm anxious and excited as we line up for the practice race. I know Lydia has been around karting for the past 10 years but I have no idea if she's ever tried it herself. We've never talked about it so I'm curious to see how she does.

Everything goes smoothly for the practice race, mainly it's just us getting our bearings for the track and the kart. I'm not surprised that Lydia and Charlotte are in the back of the pack. Not because they are girls but because they haven't been exposed to racing like us guys have. I'm feeling confident as we begin the qualification race. Everything was going smoothly for the first 13 laps of the race. I quickly take the top spot followed by Arthur and Ezra close behind. They are both talking shit to one another and to me but all I can focus on is Lydia's laughter coming through the radio. She sounds so happy and it fills my heart with joy. I have no idea what place she's in but I'm glad she's having fun.

"Oh shit!!" I hear through the radio as I am starting the last lap and my stomach drops because it was Lydia who screamed it into the radio. Without thinking I turn my head to see if I can see where she was and what happened to cause her to freak out like that, which was a mistake. I was too distracted and ended up slamming into the barrier right out of the first turn. Arthur and Ezra pass by me, followed by none other than Lydia.

"Sorry mon amour. We couldn't have you in pole position." I hear over the radio and I realize that I was completely played. I'm now in last place. I should be upset that she tricked me by playing into my obsession with her and her safety but I can't help but laugh. I back up my kart out of the barrier and start driving to catch up to the pack.

"It's okay baby. I'm still going to win the race." I say into the radio with confidence.

When I get to the finish line I see Lydia and the others climbing out of their cars. Ezra ended up in pole position and it makes me smile when I see him and Lydia high five and then hug. They are a bunch of cheaters but it makes me smile nonetheless. When I walk up to the group they all laugh as I grab Lydia and drag her away telling them I need to speak to her privately.

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