It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)

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bullying/hateful comments about sexual assault

Charles POV

"No, I don't think I will baby."

I know I'm playing with fire by saying this but I can't stop myself. Lydia's gaze turns heated and I so desperately want her. She's so beautiful and now that I know she's turned on, I want nothing more than to hear her moaning beneath me. But we're in public and we're holding off on sex until she is ready, which based on how things have gone so far today, she is not. We still have a lot to work through before she fully trusts me again but I think we've made headway in the right direction and I'm one step closer to getting her back fully.

"You're playing with fire mon amour." She tells me as she cuts a piece of her chicken and waffles. I watch her carefully as she brings her first bite to her mouth. She licks her lips in anticipation and then opens her mouth wide. The moan that she makes as she chews should be illegal. It sounds so much like how she does when I'm making her come, it's not fair. I know what she's doing though, teasing me. And it's completely fucking working. My dick is getting harder by the second as I watch her and if I don't start to think about something else then I'm going to embarrass myself.

"Okay mon soleil, you've made your point. Now for the love of god please stop moaning like that. I beg of you." I tell her in all seriousness as I pick up my fork and start eating my own food.

Lydia doesn't respond to me, she just smiles wickedly and continues eating, except now she's silent. It's still torture to watch her eat though, watching her lick her lips free of syrup is downright sinful. I'm distracted by her when the waiter approaches our table again, this time with the check like I requested. He doesn't linger this time, thank god, probably because of how I ignored him earlier. Grabbing my wallet out of my back pocket I slide my card into the slot indicating I'm ready to pay and then continue eating at a record pace. Not because I'm starving but because I am ready to get out of this restaurant.

"What's the rush?" Lydia asks when she notices how fast I'm eating and I glance up at her to see she's almost done with her food as well. I don't respond to her, just give her a knowing look to which she fully understands based on how she squirms slightly in her chair. Thankfully the waiter comes back and takes our check and returns with it swiftly.

Quickly filling out the receipt I make sure to tip the waiter generously and then we're walking out the restaurant hand in hand as we make our way to the car. Before Lydia can climb in though, I push her gently against her door and show her how turned on I am. She gasps as she feels my hard on against her heat and I smirk, enjoying how she squirms against me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is suffering in this. I'm so desperate for her but I won't force myself on her or try to change her mind. Instead I push myself off of her so I'm no longer pressing into her and then I kiss her gently.

"I love you." I whisper as I pull away and open her door for her. After she climbs in and before I can shut the door she pulls me towards her and kisses me again.

"I love you too. Thank you for lunch." She says once she pulls away and I smile brightly glad that we seem to be back to normal. I give her a wink as I close her door and head around to climb into the drivers side. We don't have far to go since the mall is in the same area as the restaurant so I head in the direction of a parking structure so we can park. Lydia is on her phone while I find a parking spot, but I can't help but notice her expression.

"What's wrong?" I ask just as I find a spot and pull in. Turning the car off, I turn towards her.

"Can I have Francesca's number?" She asks sounding off and I furrow my brows but grab my phone from my back pocket so I can get Francesca's number for her. I read it off to her and watch her as she pulls up her text messages so she can message her. After a few moments, she looks up at me and smiles sadly and my heart surges in my chest at her expression.

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