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Lydia's POV

When I wake up the following morning, Charles is not laying beside me. I can hear the shower running so I climb out of bed and go in search of him. As I walk into the bathroom, I can see him standing in the shower washing his body. He's so beautiful that I stop and stare at him for a moment, before climbing in with him. I wrap my hands around him and drag my hands up his chest.

"Good morning." I mumble as I kiss in between his shoulder blades which makes him shiver in my arms. He turns then so he's now facing me and bends down to give me a kiss making my stomach dip especially as I feel his cock hardening between us. I moan into his mouth and he deepens the kiss, walking us towards the wall of the shower and pressing me against it. Since it's our last morning together for a few weeks, we spend the next twenty minutes getting lost in each other, and by the time we are climbing out the shower we both have happy, sated smiles on our faces.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I tell him as we're getting dressed. Jeremy, Bianca, Ezra and I are heading back to San Diego, while everyone else is headed to Mexico for the next GP followed by Brazil. So we won't be seeing each other for awhile and after the past almost two weeks of being together I'm going to miss him a lot.

"You know you could come with me." He says as he looks over at me after putting on his tee shirt.

"I can't. Jeremy and I still have a lot to do before our move. I need to be in San Diego. Plus, I promised Ezra that we would visit San Fransisco, since neither of us have been. He also wants to go to Disneyland." I tell him and he frowns but nods.

"I'm sorry." I tell him as I bend down to sit on the floor so I can start packing my suitcase.

"Don't be. We'll both be busy and the time apart will go quick. Besides once Brazil is over we won't be apart. You're still planning on coming to Abu Dhabi, right?" He asks me and I smile. We talked about whether or not I'd be coming to the last race a few days ago and there's no way I was going to miss it, especially since it looks like Charles is going to win the championship. Him and Max are fighting for it, but with the rate that Charles is going, he's going to come out on top. And even if he doesn't win I want to be there for him.

"Yes, I am. There's no way I'll miss you winning your Championship, LP." I tell him and his answering smile, with his dimples on full display makes my stomach dip.

Charles' phone starts ringing on the bed interrupting our conversation and as he goes to answer it, I go back to my packing. He's speaking in rapid fire French so I don't understand a lot of what he's saying since it's too fast for me. Whoever he's talking to keeps him on the phone for a good ten minutes, I can't tell by Charles' facial expressions or tone what the phone call might be about. He's still on the phone when I walk into the bathroom to pack up my toiletries. As I'm collecting all of my makeup from the counter, I see him come stand behind me through the mirror.

"Your parents signed the contract." He tells me, and then he smiles not being able to hold back his happiness. My mouth drops open in surprise.

"Already? When did they even get the contract? It's not even 10am on a Monday. How have they already agreed? I figured it would take them a couple of days to decide." I tell him because I never expected it to happen this fast.

"They got it around 8am this morning. I guess the lawyers caught them right before your father went to work. They said as they were explaining everything to them your mother was turning red with anger and your father was looking white as a sheet. By the time they finished and offered the contract to them, your father immediately signed it. Your mother was livid but your father I guess convinced her to sign it. The lawyer told me they overheard them talking about someone named Spencer Kensington and how we couldn't find out what they did and have it go public. After that they came into the room and she signed it. Do you know who that is?" Charles asks and my stomach drops.

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