My Universe

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Lydia's POV

Twenty minutes later we're back in the car. I'm staring blankly out the windshield, trying to process the information I just received. I feel numb but also have so much anger deep in my stomach. Charles sits beside me silently. I can tell he wants to help me, say something to make me feel better but he's helpless. There's nothing that he can say to make me feel any differently then I do now.

My parents were the ones who posted bail for the woman who assaulted me. My parents. The people I haven't spoken to in almost 16 years. The people who abandoned me. Why would they do that? How are they even apart of this whole thing? The police officer couldn't give me any answers. The only reason they called me down was because they realized our last names were the same and they thought that it was strange. When I told then it was my parents, the officer looked concerned. Charles looked even more concerned and angry.

Are they trying to get me back for what happened between them and Ezra? Do they hate me that much that they want to hurt me? I have so many questions. Are they trying to take Ezra away from me by causing problems? My heart hurts thinking about it. Why are they now popping up into our lives? It's been 16 years...

"Mon soleil. Will you say something? Anything? I'm worried about you." Charles says, his voice full of emotion and I turn my gaze towards him.

"I'm just confused. Why is this happening now? They've had 16 years to fuck with my life. Why now?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I promise we will find out." He tells me as he leans forward and grabs my face in his hands, bringing his lips to mine. I relax against him, thankful for his love and support. I wrap my arms around him tightly, needing his comfort. Suddenly my emotions are everywhere and a sob rips out of me. Charles pulls me tighter against him and whispers how he's here with me, and that he won't let them hurt me. After awhile I finally calm down, my tears subsiding and my emotions evening out. I pull away from Charles and give him a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry. You have snot and makeup all over your shirt." I tell him with a chuckle as I wipe my cheeks and pull down the sun shade to check my reflection in the mirror. Cringing at my reflection, I try to wipe away the mascara that is now smudged around my eyes.

"Do not apologize. It's just a shirt." He tells me and I can't help but laugh. It is just a shirt, but one that probably is at least $400 based on the brand. Closing the sun shade, I turn to face him. He's upset for me, and worried, it's written all over his face. I realize that all this drama is happening the day before his birthday and I'm instantly annoyed about the whole situation. Don't get me wrong I've been annoyed with it from the beginning but now that it's affecting more than just me I realize I need to try to put it behind me. At least for the next week while Charles needs to focus on himself and the race.

"Let's go get some lunch and then I'll let you buy me a new dress for your birthday." I tell him as I bite my lip. His expression changes instantly and I'm relieved. The dimples are out on display and I can't help but swoon a little bit.

"You're actually going to let me buy you things without arguing?" He asks as he turns on the car.

"I said dress. Singular thing, not things Charles." I tease as I pull up restaurants on my phone near the mall and choose one, plugging in my phone so the GPS can tell Charles where to go. He laughs at my response as he pulls out of the parking lot and heads to our destination.

"Let me buy you whatever you want mon soleil, it will be my birthday present." He says as he places his hand on my thigh and squeezes. I have to bite my lip to keep my sigh from escaping my mouth. It's crazy how a simple touch can drive me crazy.

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