Frequency Of Love

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Lydia's POV

"I don't know how you aren't jumping him right now. The way he looks at you..." Morgan comments with a shake of her head, her thought trailing off as she looks between Charles and I. We are currently back in the VIP area. Morgan and I are sitting under some trees in the shade while Charles, Jeremy, Max and Kelly are ordering drinks at the bar across the VIP area. Charles is leaning against the bar facing our direction and his eyes haven't left mine.

"How does he look at me?" I ask, pulling my gaze away from his and turning to look at Morgan who is still staring towards the bar. She laughs at my question but I'm genuinely curious. Ever since I saw Charles this morning, I've been confused. I know I'm still in love with him and I'm worried that I'm reading into his behavior too much in hopes of him finally being on the same page as me. If we were finally on the same page, then maybe, just maybe we could try again.

"Oh babe. Do you really not see it? That boy is in love with you." She tells me as she turns to look at me with furrowed brows once she realizes I'm genuinely asking her that question. My stomach dips at her comment. In love with me? So I'm not just reading into it. If she thinks so too, then maybe he does. My gaze goes back to him and I see that he is still looking at me.

"I thought I was imagining it...that I was tricking myself into thinking he still has feelings for me." I tell her as I turn to look at her once more.

"You're definitely not imagining it. Tyler never once looked at me the way Charles looks at you and I was with him for 5 years." Morgan says sadly, a lone tear sneaks from her eye and she quickly wipes it away. 

"I know this is not the right time, and I'm probably going to get in trouble but fuck it. Babe...there is someone who looks at you the same way Charles looks at me." I tell her, and I turn my gaze back towards the bar, and yup...Jeremy is staring at Morgan just like I thought he would be. I can see Morgan turn to look at where I'm looking and I hear her gasp slightly when she sees Jeremy looking at her. Now that Tyler is out of the picture, maybe she'll realize she has the perfect guy right in front of her who has loved her for a long time now. 

Before she can interrogate me about what I just slyly told her, Charles and Jeremy start walking in our direction. They are talking between the two of them and I can't help but me grateful that they seem to be getting along. It doesn't take them long to make it to where we are sitting. I smile brightly as I look up at Charles who is holding out his hand for me to take so he can help me up. I don't take it immediately though, and raise my eyebrows at him, not giving into his silent demand. He smiles, and his dimples are just too much.

"Mon soleil, can I please speak with you for a minute?" He asks nicely and I grab his hand. The next moment he's pulling me up and immediately snaking his arm around my waist, acting like I was going to fall. I roll my eyes as he smirks at me.

"You're trouble." I whisper as I push myself away from him making him smirk even more. I then turn to Morgan and Jeremy, who has now taken my spot next to Morgan and let them know we'll see them in a bit. Then Charles is leading me away from them towards the exit of the VIP area and we decide that we'll go find a place in the cabana to get some food and sit down and talk. 

A few minutes later we are seated on an outdoor couch in a secluded corner. There's a coffee table in front of us that now holds a charcuterie board, hummus and an array of nuts, pretzels and chips. We eat silently for a few minutes until I realize that Charles is staring at me, looking like he wants to ask me something.  

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