Lose Control

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Charles POV

"I'm in love with you." I sing into Lydia's ear and I can feel her smile against my neck which makes me shiver against her. She has no idea how she deeply she affects me, how every little thing she does drives me crazy in a good way. I don't know how I survived the last month without her. I'm realizing now that I was in a haze and just going through the motions because now that I have her with me again, I'm realizing how she makes my life so much better. She's my sunshine.

When I thought I made her angry earlier with my jealousy, I thought it was the beginning to the end. Finding out she wasn't mad was a relief much to my annoyance that she made me think she was angry. So I decided to try to get back at her but it failed miserably because it just made us both turned on. This whole evening has been torture. With her body pressed against me, moving along to the music. I'm ready to drag Lydia back to the airbnb to have my way with her. But I won't because she said no sex and I respect that. At this point, I just want to hold her in my arms though and not worry about someone in public seeing or taking a photo of my permanent hard on.

"You ready to go back to the airbnb?" I whisper in her ear once the set is over and we are just hanging out with the group. Lydia looks at me and something in my expression must make her realize I'm anxious to leave because she only nods.

"We're heading back to the house. Anyone want to come back with us?" She asks the group and only Max and Kelly say they want to head back too, the rest of the group deciding to stay for one of the DJ's whose playing. I watch Lydia give everyone whose staying a hug goodbye, lingering longer with Ezra and I can tell she's telling him to be safe. I can't help but smile at her. She's so wonderful and seeing her with Ezra makes me feel all sorts of things. Even though he's older, I can't help but imagine how she would be as the mother to my future children. 

"You look like a love sick fool." Max tells me as he notices me watching her. I turn to face him and see Kelly shove him lightly with a laugh.

"Stop teasing him. It's cute and I'm happy to see it." She says and Max nods his head in agreement and raises his eyebrows at me which makes me furrow mine.

"Happy to see what?" Lydia asks, startling me. I hadn't realized that she was close enough to hear our conversation. Turning to answer her I hear Max before I can respond.

"Charles being completely smitten by you." He tells her and she looks curiously between our group with a soft smile on her face. She glances towards me and I nod, letting her know he's telling the truth and her face lights up with my favorite smile of hers.

"Yeah he was staring at you like he wants your babies." Max continues and my head whips to his and my eyes widen because what the fuck Max? My reaction makes both Max and Kelly laugh and I can't help but be annoyed with them.

"Alright, let's go before you embarrass me even more." I say, ignoring Lydia's eyes that I can feel on my face. I'm too embarrassed to look at her even though I don't really have anything to be embarrassed about. Max and Kelly continue laughing but start walking towards the exit of the VIP section leaving me and Lydia standing there. I'm about to follow them when I feel Lydia's hand grab mine and stop me.

"Come on, we'll talk when we get back to the airbnb. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a bigger conversation." I tell her with a smile, letting her know everything is okay and that we'll talk about everything she wants when we get back to the house. She smiles back at me and squeezes my hand as we start walking to follow Max and Kelly.

Twenty minutes later we are getting dropped off at the house. Kelly and Max immediately disappear into their room with Kelly giggling and yelping as Max chases her and does who knows what to her. Lydia laughs as we watch them. I grab her hand and lead her to the other side of the house where our room is. As I close the door, for some reason I get nervous. I'm not sure what to expect from tonight. Before I can think to much about it, Lydia pushes me against the door and kisses me deeply. I make a noise of surprise because I was not expecting her to do that especially after she told me no sex. Not that kissing is sex, but with us it often leads to it.

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