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Charles' POV

Things with Lydia are thankfully back to normal. At least as normal as they can be with everything that she's learned in the last few days. I'm relieved that she seems to be handling everything pretty well since she read the letter from her grandmother.

It's now race day, and we are having breakfast with my maman. The two of them are sitting close, looking at photos on Lydia's phone of Ezra over the years and laughing about his haircuts throughout the years. It's strange seeing them so friendly after their first initial meeting in Monaco. But my mother pulled Lydia to the side yesterday and they had a long talk. Lydia won't tell me what they discussed but whatever it was seems to have helped their relationship. I'm relieved and happy to see it.

"This is probably the haircut I'm most proud of. I had finally got the hang of cutting it. Too bad it was right in time for him to leave to Italy. I haven't given him a haircut since, probably much to his relief." Lydia laughs as she shows my maman the photo who is smiling at Lydia.

"Ahh yes, this one is much better than the previous." My maman replies tactfully as she looks at the photo and Lydia laughs.

"You don't have to lie to me Pascale. I know it's awful, especially to the trained eye like yours." Lydia replies with a shake of her head as she looks at the photo again.

My phone dings with a notification on the table and I grab it to see who it is. It's a text from one of my head strategist asking me to come in earlier than we planned so we can start going over our strategies one last time before the race.

After having a bad second free practice, I went into yesterday with more of a clear head since things between Lydia and I were much better and I wasn't worried about her. I ended qualifying in P3 so I'll be starting the race in the second row.

"Hey, I have to head to the track earlier than planned. Do you both want to come with me or will you come later?" I ask, interrupting their conversation.

"Why don't you take Lydia and I'll come with Lorenzo and Charlotte a little later. I'm sure you two would like some time together since I've been monopolizing it all since I've arrived." My maman suggests and I can't help but smile.

We have been spending all of our free time with her since she's gotten here but I don't mind and Lydia doesn't seem to either. I think now that her and my maman are friendly she's desperate for some motherly bonding since she hasn't had any for almost 15 years. I can't help but notice Lydia's smile fall a little but when my maman looks at her she hides it.

"Sounds like a plan." She tells my maman and grabs her purse from the table and stands up.

I stand up and meet her halfway, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. She smiles at me but I can see something is bothering her. We quickly say goodbye to my maman and head to my car so we can drive to the track.

"What's wrong mon soleil?" I ask her when I pull out of the parking lot.

"I thought things were going well with your mother, but now I'm not sure." She replies and I furrow my brows in confusion. I glance toward her to see she's staring down at her lap, twisting her bracelet with anxiety.

"Why do you say that? You two were having a great time this morning." I reply as I reach for her hands.

"We were...ugh sorry, I'm being stupid." She says and I frown.

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