War Of Hearts

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"Come stay with us in Monaco. Don't let him ruin our plans. Besides, he's still going to Sardinia right?" Kelly asks me over the phone a couple of days after the Hungary GP. After I left, I isolated myself and turned my phone off until after the race because I didn't want to cave and try to contact Charles. I still watched the race on tv though, watched as Charles ended up winning, watched as he celebrated on the podium with a huge grin on his face. My heart hurt as I watched him because I was so sad about what happened with us yet so happy for him. 

"I don't know if he is or not. I would assume so." I answer her as I mindlessly fold my laundry. I'm still packing for our summer trip, although I don't know why. I have already finished packing Ezra's bag and wasn't going to start mine but once Kelly called, I started. 

"Have you talked to him?" She asks.

"No. He's been calling multiple times a day though since I left." I answer her, thinking about all of the times he's called me. Each time he leaves me a voicemail begging me to call him back, that he needs to see me. I delete them all, all of them except the one I got the night he won in Hungary. He sounded drunk and he was trading off speaking in English and in French. He was rambling about how he wished I was there to celebrate with him, that he won the race for me. The French words intermingling, sounding so romantic even though I have no idea what he was saying. I was tempted to call him back after that call, but I decided against it.

"Hmm. Well I wouldn't be surprised if he comes to see you today. He left Hungary this morning for Italy." She tells me and I freeze, because the original plan was for him to fly directly to Belgium so why is he coming to Italy? Maybe he has to go to Maranello for something, even though deep down I know he's coming here to see me. He's supposed to be with Ezra and Arthur though, so maybe they are all coming here? I haven't heard from Ezra yet today and he's been bugging me to hear Charles out since I got back from Italy. 

"Did Ez and Arthur leave with him?" I ask trying to sound unbothered by the news. 

"You don't know where your son is?" Kelly feigns shock and I roll my eyes. 

"Do you think an almost 16 year old will tell his mama the truth on where he is when he's begging her to get back together with her boyfriend?"

"He's what?!" She says with shock. I'm about to respond when there's a knock on my door and my stomach drops because deep down I know who it is. Well fuck me. 

"Fuck. Someone is at my door..." I whisper as I look towards the full length mirror I have near my bed to access my appearance. My hair is damp from the shower I took earlier, and I'm not wearing any makeup which is unfortunate because I have dark circles from lack of sleep the last few nights. I'm wearing my oversized University of Texas Longhorns crewneck sweatshirt and homemade jean cutoffs from an old pair of Levi jeans. My feet are bare and my toes are still painted red to match my manicure I got in England.

"Call me when he leaves, I need to know everything." She says happily and I can't help but laugh lightly just as there's another knock. 

"I will. Talk later." I say quickly and hang up. Throwing down my phone on the bed, I look at myself one last time before heading to the door and opening it to find Charles standing there. His eyes drag up my body until they land on my eyes. Beautiful green eyes meet my ocean blue ones and my stomach dips as he stares at me in such a way. I hate how with one look from him, I'm ready to forgive him. 

"Mon soleil." I breathes out with what sounds like relief and I try not to react. 

"Why are you here Charles?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" He asks me softly, looking around the apartment complex and I realize there are some people lingering about. I sigh but move to the side so he can walk through the door. After shutting the door, I turn around to find him staring at my suitcase, half packed and my laundry piled on my bed.  

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