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Charles POV

When I wake up the next morning I'm more rested than I've been in recent weeks and so fucking happy that I don't know how to handle it. Lydia is beside me, our legs tangled together and her head resting on my chest. I can't help but just stare at her, she is beautiful and I can't even begin to describe how good it feels to wake up with her beside me again. I was so stupid for ever letting her go. My fingers trail along her spine as I watch her sleep, and I could literally lay here all day with her and be completely content. Unfortunately, I can't though. I promised Andrea that I would get a work out in this morning before heading to the last day of the festival.

Trying to move Lydia off of me is hard because I don't want to move her. Eventually my phone dings on the bedside table though and I have to check who it is even though I already know it's going to be Andrea. He's probably already texted 20 times in the last hour. Carefully moving her head off my chest I slide out of the bed and grab my phone before heading into the bathroom. With one last lingering look at her, I shut the door and check my phone.

Andrea: You better be doing the workout I sent you.
Andrea: I swear to god if I find out you didn't do it, I'm going to make you suffer
Andrea: I know you want to spend time with Lydia, but you need to focus.
Andrea: Charles I swear to god.
Andrea: I'm boarding my plane. You better do the workout!
Me: I'm about to start it now. Relax.
Andrea: Record it because for some reason I don't believe you.
Me: Fuck off.
Andrea: 🖕🏻
Me: Have a safe flight. I'll see you soon. And don't worry, I'll record it. I'm sure you'll want to critique me.

Setting my phone done on the sink, I go through my morning routine before stepping back out into the room to grab a workout outfit from my suitcase. When I open the door to the bathroom, I see Lydia is now awake. She's still in bed though, looking at her phone. She looks at me with a bright smile as I make my way over to her and I can't help but smile in return. She's so perfect.

"Good morning mon soleil. How did you sleep?" I ask her as I lean down and press a soft lingering kiss on her awaiting lips.

"Morning. I haven't slept that good since Monaco. How about you?" She answers as I walk to my suitcase and start grabbing some clothes.

"Same. I feel more rested than I have in a long time." I say as I slip a plain white tee shirt over my head. Next I slip on some workout shorts and then grab some socks before heading back to the bed and taking a seat on the edge.

"You going for a run?" She asks and I nod as I put my socks on my feet and grab the trainers next to the bed.

"Andrea sent me a workout he wants me to do. It includes a 5k run as well as some other things. Do you want to come with me?"

"Not today LP. I have too much to do." She replies and I scrunch my nose as I turn to look at her. She's not paying attention though, looking at something on her phone instead.

"What do you have to do?" I ask as I fully turn to face her. She glances over at me and sets her phone down beside her, screen up. I notice she has Instagram open and she has a lot of notifications.

"I need to run the mall, the party supply store, and the police station. Then I'm thinking about doing a little question and answer story on social media since I'm getting bombarded with messages and comments. I think if I answer some burning questions things might die down a little bit." She tells me and I don't even know where to start with her list of things she needs to do. I have too many questions.

"Why do you have to go to the police station?" I ask the most important one first. My stomach is in knots wondering why she would need to go back.

"They called and left me a voicemail this morning telling me they need me to come in because they have something important to tell me pertaining to the case. I don't know what it is though, they didn't say."

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