Need Your Love

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Charles POV

When I left Lydia at the airport in Austin, it felt like I left a part of me with her. The next couple of weeks after Austin, I missed her more than ever before. We talked whenever either of us had a free second which wasn't much since we were both extremely busy.

I ended up doing well in both the Mexico and Brazil GP's, getting P2 and P3. Even without her there in person, just knowing she's watching at home makes me do better. But there's nothing quite like when she's watching the race in the Ferrari garage. That's where she was for the Vegas GP where I ended in P1, and it's where she is now.

We're at the Abu Dhabi GP, the final race. The determining factor of who is going to be world championship. Max and I are neck and neck in points and it all comes down to who wins today. I'm sitting in my car on the track waiting for the formation lap. I'll be starting out at P2, not being able to out qualify Max yesterday. I'm full of nerves, though I'm not sure why.

"Xavi, I need Lydia." I say in the radio, knowing that I still have time to talk to her before they start kicking people off the track.

"Charles we don't have..." Xavi says but I cut him off.

"Lydia. Now." I demand and he gives me a mumbled 'copy'. A minute later I see her walking towards me and all of my nerves vanish. She's so beautiful and I'm constantly overwhelmed with how much I love her. When she approaches my car she bends down so she can look into my eyes. Hers are deep pools of endless love when she looks at me but right now they are also filled with worry.

"What's wrong LP?" She asks as she places her hand in mine and gives it a squeeze.

"I was feeling nervous but I'm good now. Just seeing you has made me feel better. I love you." I tell her and she smiles broadly at me before leaning forward and kissing my helmet.

"I love you too. You're going to be amazing mon amour. Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight after you win the championship." She whispers and winks. I smile at her and my stomach dips at her insinuation.

"Okay I have to go, everyone is starting to clear out. I love you, I'll see you at the finish line." She tells me as she blows a kiss and walks away. With a smile on my face I get more settled into my seat and mentally prepare to win this race.


"LET'S GIVE IT UP TO OUR NEWEST WORLD CHAMPION, CHARLES LECLERC!" the announcer yells out as I walk onto the podium stage. The crowd is so deafening that it's hard to hear. I'm smiling so wide that my cheeks are starting to ache, I am just so happy.

As the Monagasque National anthem plays, I find Lydia in the crowd smiling up at me with tears in her eyes. She's radiant and I can't believe we've made it to this point. After everything we've been through it feels good to be in such a wonderful place.

After the anthems are done, the trophies are distributed and then the fun begins. Me, Max and Fernando go crazy spraying our champagne. Since it's the last race of the year we might as well go all out. Lydia is glaring at me as I look down at her with a smirk because she knows what's coming. The next moment I spray the champagne right at her and she's laughing along with my team. Everyone is just bursting with happiness.

Once the champagne has all been sprayed, I do what feels like hours of media interviews before I'm finally able to make it to my drivers room so I can change. I find Lydia there, stepping out of my shower and I frown.

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