Golden Hour

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I unfortunately haven't been able to tell Charles that I want to be with him officially. After my realization on the yacht we were interrupted by Ezra and Arthur who wanted to go swimming. For the rest of the time on the boat we swam, ate, drank and had a good time together. Spending the day with the boys ended up being my favorite thing we've done so far. Then yesterday we spent the day exploring the local area, seeing some historical sights so I wasn't able to tell him then either. 

Today is our last day here, we're head to Monaco pretty early tomorrow morning. I wanted to spend the day with Charles, but the boys had other plans. They wanted to get one more game of golf in before we left, and then want to do a circuit workout in since they'll be getting back to their normal work out routines once we're in Monaco. Charles sent me to the resorts spa for the day. I got every type of treatment possible it seems. By the time I'm done, I feel like a brand new woman and look like one too. My skin is glowing and bronzed thanks to the day on the yacht. My hair is shiny and freshly trimmed and my nails are freshly buffed and polished. I don't end up making it back to our suite until around 5:30pm. When I walk in the door, all three boys turn to look at me with bright smiles and I stop in my tracks.

"Stop being creepy. What's going on?" I ask with a chuckle as I make my way further into the living room.

"We're going to dinner on the beach. There's an outfit hanging in the closet for you." Charles tells me as he stands up to give me a kiss on the cheek. I realize now that he's dressed up, and looks very handsome and sexy. He has white linen pants on with a short sleeved button up linen shirt with different color blue stripes and white slip on vans. I turn to look at Arthur and Ezra but they are just in their swim trunks and tee shirts so I realize that this dinner is just for Charles and I.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." I tell him with a smile and I head into our bedroom to check out what kind of outfit he picked out for me.

I find a satin dress the color of slate blue hanging in the closet. It reminds me of the red one I wore on our first date, with the cowl neck line and material, but this one is a midi dress with a slit up to the thigh. I find a pair of strappy nude heels as well, and I'm thankful that they have a wide heel since Charles said we'll be on the beach. I quickly gather the items and head into the bathroom so I can change and put on a little bit of makeup.

Ten minutes later, I'm making me way back out to where the boys are still in the living room. Arthur and Ezra are now playing a video game and Charles is looking at his phone. All three of their heads pop up when they hear my heels on the tiled floor and I can't help but feel a little self conscious when they don't say anything. I look down at my dress to make sure nothing is amiss and when I find nothing, I look back up at them.

"Wow Mama. You look beautiful." Ezra says after a moment of awkward silence and I smile gratefully at him.

"Smoking hot." Arthur comments and Ezra groans in annoyance while Charles smacks Arthur on the chest lightly, making me laugh. I move my eyes to Charles who is now walking towards me, his expression is one of pure sin and my stomach clenches at what those eyes are promising me. When he gets within arms reach he wraps his around my waist and pulls me close.

"I thought my favorite color on you was red, but I was so badly mistaken. You look absolutely ravishing mon soleil." He whispers seductively in my ear. His words go straight to my pussy and I can feel myself getting wet. I release a ragged breath as he pulls away which makes him smirk devilishly.

"Are we ready to go?" I ask, needing to get some fresh air so I don't drag Charles into our bedroom. Charles nods his head with a knowing smile and we say goodbye to Ezra and Arthur who are distracted by their video game. A moment later we are stepping out the door and Charles is leading us to the beach. I was assuming that it was a restaurant on the beach, one that I hadn't seen yet. But to my surprise it's a private table on a private beach that Charles is leading me to. The pathway is lined with candles as we weave our way down to the beach, where there is a romantic table set for two with votives and small flower arrangements. I gasp as I take it all in, how beautiful everything is.

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