1. Close Your Eyes

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Satori Lannister made a mistake. It got her pregnant and still unwed at 14. She was terrified, she would be disowned her father would hate her forever.

Satori's elder sister Cersei was pregnant with her first child and Cersei was thrilled. She was going to have an heir for the king. But Satori couldnt share in her joy, for fear filled her every waking moment.

"Satori," Jaime coed kissing her cheek. "Whats with the long face?" She pulled him into her chambers and stripped, Jaime smirked back at her but she held a hand out.

"Do you notice anything different?" Satori questioned and Jaime rose a brow as he looked her over more closely.

"Close your eyes." Satori whispered as his hands touched her skin. His hand ran up her breast and back down her stomach. "Jaime." She held his hand to her stomach and his eyes opened. "I'm... I'm late." It took him a moment to realize what she was saying but when he did he felt sick.

"Satori- how long?" Jaime questioned.

"A few moons." She whispered and he looked at her stomach again, he saw the little bulge, it wasnt a big breakfast, it wasnt... heavens. She had a baby growing inside of her, his baby.

"Jaime, tell me its going to be okay." Satori whimpered as he held her.

"I'm so sorry." Jaime whispered. It was just the once and it was so quick Jaime didnt even think about the fact that she might get pregnant.

"Jaime what do I do?" Satori begged, he helped her dress when he felt her shaking against him but it wasnt the cold it was fear coursing through her. "Jaime!"

"We go away for a while-"

"And come back with a baby?" Satori spat.

"No, yes, no... I mean..."

"Father will kill us both, we never should have-"

"You regret it?" Jaime questioned.

"I... I dont want to be a mother. A woman's reputation is all she has Jaime. I will be... this baby will be..."


"If anyone were to find that out they would kill you and I and the babe, incest, Targaryens mad kings, turning this baby crazy!" Satori declared her arms flailing .

"This baby will be perfect because you are perfect."

"The act was a sin, an awful sin, we will be punished forever!" Satori corrected.

"No, no, we will figure it out. I love you Satori."

"I love you, Jaime but... how am I supposed to find a husband when I have a child with my brother?"

"Kingslayer, move your ass." A knight called down the hall. "Kingslayer?"

"I have to go." Jaime whispered kissing her forehead.

"I have to talk to Cersei." Satori whispered looking to her hands laced at her stomach.

"We will get through this, we will figure something out." Jaime assured.

Cersei wasnt surprised. She knew how much Jaime loved Satori, Cersei was smitten with Robert, he was tall and handsome and every maidens dream and he was hers. He had his flaws like calling her Lyanna when he fucked her and drinking too much, and basically he was already becoming awful two years into being king but he was still so handsome and to Cersei that made up for some of his bad habits.

She wanted to protect her baby sister, she wanted to keep her safe, hold her close and tell her everything was going to be alright, but she didnt know what to do.

"We go on a trip, we hide you away at the rock, father wouldnt notice the weight gain and we will put you in dresses that hide your bump-"

"And when the baby comes?" Satori countered.

"We will protect you and the baby." Cersei remarked.

"But how?"

"I dont know yet." Cersei admitted. "But we are family and we stick together."


Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now