7. Weak & Begging

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Satori didnt like to travel this long but she also couldnt bear the thought of leaving Joffrey for so long. It was a fortnight into the journey and she still didnt understand why there were about a million people in their company travelling with them. Might as well just invite Ned south instead of all this hassle of going up north. But what did Satori know?

"We are going to have to remind him." Cersei remarked.

"I know." Satori assured running a hand through Joffrey's hair. She smiled down at him, his head in her lap.

"He can't be breast feeding, asking for milk while we are here either." Cersei demanded.

"I know." Satori assured. "I know Cersei, I know."

"We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all night." Catelyn remarked.

"I'm told he drinks all night." Lewin corrected.

"How much could he possibly drink? A man of his ... stature." Catelyn offered innocently.

"We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar. Perhaps we'll find out."

"In any case, candles." Catelyn instructed.

"tyrion, what are you reading today?" Satori pondered. Another day closer to winterfell.

"A history, rather boring." Tyrion remarked. Satori was always like a mother to them, probably because she became a mother when she was child herself, lost her mother when she was a child and their father was fading without Joanna. Satori stepped up while Jaime joined Kings guard and Cersei doted over princes. Satori Took care of Tyrion when he was little but he wasnt little anymore.

"Oh, bore me to sleep then." Satori mused when the carriage stopped.

"Mother." Joffrey's voice called out as he jumped from his horse. Cersei forced a smile, Tyrion's gaze turned curiously to Cersei.

"Why do you cringe every time he calls for you?" Tyrion questioned.

"She does not." Satori declared as she got out of the carriage. "I will check on Joffrey, Cersei fix your hair." Satori offered. Cersei touched her hair confused.

"What's wrong with my hair?" Cersei countered.

"Joffrey honey, Cersei is busy can I help you?" Satori questioned.

"It was you..." Joffrey sighed. "Auntie." He agreed stiffly.

"I know my love." satori cooed kissing his forehead.

"I will get it right when we get there. I promise." Joffrey assured.

"I know you will. I'm not worried." Satori assured. "What did you need my love?"

"We are stopping for the night. Last inn the old shit of a king thinks before we are stuck in the snow sleeping on the ground like savages." Joffrey informed her.

"Sleeping under the stars, romantic, wonderous!" Satori corrected. Joffrey rolled his eyes leaning into her.

"The shits too old to be needing his aunt to sleep with him." Robert grumbled.

"Joffrey is a sweet boy at heart and he wants Satori to stay with him, whats the harm? One less room to pay for." Cersei assured. Not that Robert paid for anything, it was expected that Cersei's lannister name would cover everything. Robert was a kingdom in debt to Tywin lannister after all.

"How is the bed?" Satori questioned as Joffrey jumped up.

"Gross." Joffrey answered honestly. Satori laughed out. She put her bag down before closing it back up. "Whats wrong mama?" Joffrey questioned.

"I need to borrow some of Jaime's clothes." Satori remarked.

"Why?" Joffrey countered quizzically.

"I'm cold honey, you know me, I like the south." Satori remarked. "And his clothes are warmer than my night dress."

"YOu can borrow my clothes." Joffrey offered.

"When you are bigger." Satori remarked kissing his forehead. "I will be right back." she assured as she stepped into the hall. Jaime pressed a long kiss to her cheek when she knocked on his door.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" Jaime questioned pulling her in.

"Can I borrow some of your comfiest of clothes?" Satori questioned.

"If you take them off me." He mused as he moved to his bag pulling out a pair of pants, the material was soft and long would run past her feet and a sweater as well, long sleeves running past her hands. He held them out to her.

"I'm not stealing all your clothes am I?" Satori questioned.

"I knew you would be cold." Jaime corrected kissing her cheek again.

Yes, Jaime had two children with Cersei. Did he wish Cersei was Satori? Also yes. Cersei was mean, bossy, rude while on the other hand it was impossible not to love Satori. She was a ray of sunshine. Cersei was convenient, a second place distraction for Jaime's true desires.

"Thank you, Jaime. You are the best brother ever." Satori declared giving him a hug.

"You can stay here." Jaime offered holding onto her.

"Joffrey needs me." Satori corrected.

"He is going to start thinking of you as a lover and not his mother at this rate." Jaime warned.

"Nonsense, we are in a new region, its scary, if anything he knew- just like you knew I would be cold- that I didnt want to be apart from him."

Codependent. Jaime kept his thoughts to himself though. Satori was the kind of person to love with her whole heart.

"Goodnight Jaime."

Satori headed back to her room with Joffrey and he was sitting on the bed his legs hanging over the edge, swinging them back and forth mindlessly until she came in.

"Hi mama." Joffrey whispered as she closed the door. Satori pressed a kiss to his forehead. She removed her top layer dress, red with fine golden detailing before pulled Jaime's pants on under her night dress and slipping the sweater on. Joffrey stared back at her silently. Her night dress looked funny bunched above and below jaimes clothes but at least as was warmer.

"Something wrong baby?" Satori questioned sitting beside him.

"Robert said that... I am to marry Sansa Stark." Joffrey remarked.

"I..." Satori sighed. Satori didnt have any say in who joffrey married. She cleared her throat. "I hear Sansa is lovely. The starks are lovely."

"What if I dont want to get married, ever? Like you." Joffrey corrected.

"My sweet boy, if you hate her, I will do everything I can to end this union but meet her first," Satori suggested knowing it was be nearly impossible to convince robert not to.

"I wouldnt have to stay in the north right?" joffrey questioned.

"No. Your place is in the south. She would have to come to us."

"THen why the hell are we travelling all this way?" Joffrey questioned. "It makes us look weak, like we are begging. We don't need Stark. Uncle Jaime said so himself."

"I agree, they should have come to us. This is stupid but... maybe we try and think of it as more of an adventure." Satori pondered.

"I have wanted to see Dorne." Joffrey admitted. "Could we travel south? Where the sun touches the earth?"

"I would go anywhere with you."

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