34. Last Kiss

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Roshambo / Tormund out now!

"Is that lady Satori Lannister!" Oberyn declared. "Or do my eyes deceive me?"

"Hi Oberyn. Is that invitation open ended?" 

Now seeing him grown and so handsome she couldn't stop her smile.

"Satori? Satori Lannister?" Oberyn declared. "It is you gorgeous! What are you doing this far south!" He hugged her and she felt safe.

"Looking for you of course." Satori answered.

Oberyn had been her first kiss. It was fast and rough but when he pulled away she had giggled a big smile on her face. She felt like a little kid again seeing him now.

He had come to visit casterly rock when Satori was young, she was a grown woman now, but she felt like a child with a crush as he held onto her. 

"Oberyn, this is my... Joffrey and Sandor Clegane." Satori introduced. 

"Prince Joffrey, I heard word your aunt stole you away." Oberyn agreed. "Come all this way for your training?" 

"If thats okay." Joffrey agreed. 

"Of course! You shall train with my daughters!" Oberyn declared. Everything about Oberyn was dramatic and over the top and Satori missed that about him. Joffrey scrunched up his face at that though. 

"With your daughters? I can't hit a woman." Joffrey corrected. 

"And that honorable but my girls hit back and they dont hold punches." Oberyn countered. "Sandor Clegane... your brother is the mountain." 

"Aye." Sandor agreed. 

"He did that to your face?"

"Aye." Sandor agreed again. 

"Oberyn is still blunt as ever, I see." Satori remarked. 

"You love your brother?"

"Love?" Sandor scoffed back. "I want him dead." 

"Wonderful, welcome all then!" Oberyn agreed wrapping an arm around Satori, "its about time you took me up on my offer to woe you with all that is dorne." 

"I wish I came sooner its already so beautiful." Satori remarked. 

"Then I will have to give you all the reasons to stay, starting with a promise I made you." Oberyn remarked holding her face in his hands. "Do you remember it?" 

"I do." Satori breathed back as his lips caved in on hers. 

Oberyn wrapped her in his arms, crushing his body against hers. Then he kissed her. And it's nothing like the previous kiss. He didn't hold back. There are no boundaries. No restraints. No self-control. It was exciting and passionate. Satori knew that if she didnt have her little moments with Ned she wouldnt have been ready for this kiss. 

It was Tender and hungry. Heated and sultry as they fully embrace each other. His hands roam over her skin, feeling every smooth curve of her body. A rush of adrenaline surges through him as she kissed him back, pressing into him. Having her in his arms, against his lips, is painful he knew he would never be able to fully satisfy this desire. The kiss sent a circuit of power speeding through him, tripping up his heart, almost stopping it completely. 

He felt like if his heart stopped because of this kiss, it will all be worth it. There was something about first loves that stuck with you.

 The seconds rolled on. He was in no rush clearly. He was taking his time showing her how much he wanted her, how much she meant to him, leaving no doubt about how he felt and how long he had waited to have her again. Joffrey cleared his throat clearly annoyed. Oberyn pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.

Every part of her body ached with the need to be touched. To touch him. Her whole body throbbed with want.

"Come, I believe I promised you a feast." Oberyn remarked fondly. 

"You best impress me." 

"Havent I already?" Oberyn mused. Satori blushed, reaching for Joffrey she grabbed his hand pulling him along. Sandor looked around as they walked. He hadnt been this far south before. 

"You certainly know how to greet a girl." Satori agreed her face still flushing hot. 

"Better than our first one?" 

"Hard to compare the two." Satori whispered. 

"Don't worry Satori, it wont be the last kiss." 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now