12. Am I Breathing?

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Satori kept ned's cloak around her, she liked the warmth and the smell of pines and smoke, sure signs of a man that had been out in the elements working. Ned smiled back at her as she bundled up his blue grey cloak around her, covering her lannister red dress. 

"What's it like being a prince?" Rickon questioned Joffrey. 

"I dont know, thats like asking how to breathe." Joffrey countered stubbornly. 

"Oh my Gods!" RIckon shouted. "How does one breathe! I dont know! It just happens!" 

"My point." Joffrey agreed. 

"Oh my Gods, am I breathing right now? Bran, am I breathing?" Rickon demanded grabbing the collar of his shirt. 

"Yeah Rickon, you are." Bran assured. 

"Are you hungry?" Ned questioned. Satori looked to Joffrey and he seemed to be getting along with the kids. 

"I am." Satori agreed. 

"Come I will show you to your seat." Ned requested but Tommen ran up colliding with her legs. 

"Dance with me!" Tommen demanded jumping up and down happily. 

"Excuse me Ned, I have little prince to dance with." Satori remarked as Tommen grabbed her hand. Ned watched them go, Catelyn didnt notice Ned's stare lingering on Satori all night. SHe was desperately trying to get into the queen's good graces. 

"Is this your first time in the North, Your Grace?' Catelyn asked in desperation to make a good impression on the royal family. Ned's best friend and king Robert was a lost cause but Catelyn was very much like Sansa and liked the finer things. 

'Yes. Lovely country.' Cersei said blandly. But a smile curved her face seeing Satori with Tommen. Tommen spun under her hand and Cersei wished she could be so carefree and just live like Satori did. 

'I'm sure it's very grim, after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time.' Catelyn went on as Sansa approached the front table and smiled shyly up at Cersei.

'Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you?' Cersei questioned and Sansa's little heart fluttered. She had been sitting beside Joffrey and knew, her mother always said mothers know best and it was best to get in good with the queen. Sansa was following suit and making an introduction. 

''Thirteen, Your Grace.' She answered

''You're tall. Still growing?' Cersei questioned

'I think so, Your Grace.' Sansa said confused.

' And have you bled yet?' Cersei questioned and sansa stared at her mother clearly discomfited by the questioned but Catelyn nodded for her to answer.

'No, Your Grace.' Sansa told her, Cersei nodded stiffly.

'And your dress. Did you make it?' Cersei went on and Sansa was to nervous to speak she nodded. 'Such talent. You must make something for me.' Sansa nodded happily as she headed off. Cersei knew that Satori would never agree to a union, never but Robert had already demanded it. Satori would fight him tooth and nail if Joffrey didnt want a union. Robert would come back bleeding and begging for mercy. Satori was sweet and innocent, those big green eyes could draw you in but a wrong step and she could turn vicious. 

'I hear we might share a grandchild someday.' Cersei said turning to Catelyn, pulling her gaze from Tommen. 

''I hear the same.' Catelyn agreed hopefully.

''Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever.' Cersei told her confidently. As sansa got back to her seat she started smiling completely giddy at Joffrey. Joffrey gave her a small smile, he supposed she was pretty. Sansa blushed turning to her plate, mostly untouched, her stomach was in knots she was going to marry the prince, she would be queen one day. 

While sansa was distracted by Joffrey's smile, Arya flipped food across the table and onto Sansa's face. Joffrey smirked, laughter on his lips while Sansa cried out. 

''Arya!' Sansa shouted wiping the potato away. Catelyn signaled a laughing Robb to deal with the girls. He wiped the smile off his face as he hoisted up Arya.

'Time for bed.' Robb declared. Satori looked to Joffrey as he laughed out. Poor sansa, she ran off embarrassed. 

"What?" Arya whined as he picked her up.

"Okay maybe this place isnt so bad." Joffrey decided. 


Satori had to convince Joffrey to sleep in his own room tonight, that she would be close by but he was a young man now, she tucked him in and kissed his forehead. Ned found her in the hallway admiring the portraits and offered to show her back to her chambers. 

"Thank you for walking me back." Satori remarked. "Winterfell is beautiful, you have such a lovely home. If I were you I wouldnt want to leave." Satori informed Ned. "But I hope you will like the capital. Its a lot warmer, feel the true sun on your face." Ned smiled his face turning to his feet hiding the blush creeping up his neck as Satori reached out touching his arm. 

"I can make you a fire, Satori... can I make you a fire?" Ned questioned. 

"Oh that would be lovely." Satori agreed. She stepped back into the room and Ned moved to the logs, he got it started quickly and Satori knelt beside him putting her hands to the flames. "Thank you, Ned. You are so skilled!" 

"Comes with living in the north." Ned countered. "If you dont know how to make a fire, you are most definitely frozen." Satori laughed out. Her hand grazed his thigh as she spoke. 

"Well I thank you greatly for not letting me become a popsicle on my first night here." Satori agreed. Ned didnt know what came over him but he leaned over just a bit and kissed her. Satori froze eyes wide open before Ned's hand moved to her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed, this is what she was missing out on, this was nice. He pulled back and she heard the sound of their lips parting. She blinked her eyes open which seemed like a daunting task. 

Ned seemed surprised at himself, he cleared his throat leaning back just slightly. Satori stared back at him breathlessly. 

"Goodnight my lady." Ned whispered before getting up and rushing out. Satori knelt there beside the fire, her head swimming with what just happened. She glanced back at the door as it swung closed thinking she imagined it but her lips tingled from his touch. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now