26. Sword

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Muggle / Severus Snape out now!

"Lady Satori," Ned whispered, she got up from her spot and moved to him. 

"You are missing the tournament and I hate these things." She whispered. "I only came to see you." Ned smiled reaching for her hand. He pressed a long kiss to the top of her hand. Joffrey scoffed back at them and Satori pulled her hand away. 

"Someone is missing you." Satori remarked. "You should save Sansa from Petyr." Ned nodded, not wanting to leave, he stood across from her unmoving and Satori laughed out giving him a little nudge before moving back to her own seat. Ned winked at her as he passed. 

'Where is arya?' Ned question finally getting to the joust. Finally pulling himself from Satori. 

'At her dancing lessons.' Sansa answered. 'The knight of the flowers...' sansa said happily as ser loras approached he held out a rose for her she took it gratefully 'thank you ser loras.' They bowed before the king ser Loras on a white steed while Gregor was on a black horse.

'Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him.' Sansa begged 'I can't watch' Ned tried to comfort his daughter

'100 gold dragons on the mountain.' petyr called back to Renly.

'I'll take that.' Renley said pleasantly.

"The both of them, its despicable." Joffrey sneered. "Under my rule they will be eliminated." 

"What will my dear?" Satori questioned. 

"People like the knight of flowers and Renly." Joffrey answered. 

"Renly is your uncle."  Satori corrected. "Family." 

"Did you fuck the king?" Joffrey countered softly. 

"No." Satori breathed back. 

"Then he really isnt." JOffrey corrected. 

'Now what will I do with 100 gold dragons Dornish wine or a girl from the pleasure houses?' Petyr questioned.

'You can even buy yourself a friend.' Renly suggested

'He is going to die!' Sansa told her father

'He's going to try to win.' Ned told her the horn blew and they were off. Charging at one another Loras lance got ser Gregor, he collapsed to the ground into the fence breaking it.

'Such a shame little finger it would've been so nice for you to have a friend.' Renly told him.

Satori clapped out, glad that Gregor was bested. Joffrey looked bored, looked like he wanted Loras to be torn apart. She ran a hand through his hair before she smiled back at sandor but sandor didn't look happy he looked worried, concerned like he knew something bad was going to happen.

'And tell me Renley when will you be having your friend?' Petyr taunted Pointing to loras before turning back to sansa and Ned. 'Loras knew his horse was in heat.' Petyr told sansa.

'He would never do that there is no honor in that in honor in tricks.' Sansa assured him.

'No honor but quite a bit of gold' Petyr told her leaning back but Gregor was not happy about it he threw down his helmet screaming out as Loras approached the victor.

'Sword!' Gregor screamed out as everyone cheered.

"Now we are getting to the good part." Joffrey remarked on the edge of his seat. Satori tensed though.  Gregor was given a sword and he chopped his own horses head clean off with one swing then he came at Loras knocking him down again and again. Loras's shield was not strong enough to fend off against Gregor but Sandor jumped forward.

'Leave him be!' Sandor declared dueling off against his brother. Gregor charged his brother, swords smashing together, satori tensed. Sandor was like family and gregor had no boundaries. Joffrey held Satoris hand suddenly wishing Gregor would stop. He knew that his mother was friendly with Sandor, knew it would break her heart if he died. 

'Stop this madness in the name of the king!' Robert demanded and Sandor dropped to a knee, bowing down. Gregor's blade swinging at sandors barely missing his head. 'Let him go.' Robert declared as Gregor stormed off the kings guard stepped aside Robert nodded to Sandor and he rose up

'I owe you my life ser.' Laros said coming up to sandor frazzled.

'I'm no ser,' Sandor told him but ser loras raised Sandors hand and declared him the Victor of the tournament. The crowd erupted in cheers Sandor didn't like the attention though. He moved back to his post and Satori moved to him touching his head. 

"I'm okay Sunshine." Sandor assured. 

"He almost got your head, San." Satori whispered, Joffrey and ned both locked eyes onto Satori and Sandor. Ned knew he had no say in what satori did, who she put her hands on but he felt a pang of jealousy. Joffrey just didnt like sharing his mother with anyone. But he swallowed down his anger and leaned back in his chair. 

"I'm okay, Sunshine." Sandor repeated. 

"I think Clegane should fight properly in my name day tourney." JOffrey decided. 

"Which one?" Robert laughed out. 

"Both of them." 


Ned went back to work, Satori went back to trying not to wind up in his chambers late at night. But that was a losing feat. 

Three nights after the hands tourney satori found herself in neds chambers again. Kissing his handsome face touching his chest and she lay beside him that night. She fell asleep curled up beside him. When she woke his hand was on her ass

In the morning, Satori woke first, lifting her head from his chest. One of his hands rested on top of hers pressed to his chest next to her head. His other hand ... it was resting on her ass ... on the inside of her panties. 

Satori wasn't sure when it laid claim to that spot, but she kinda liked it. That was a lie. Satori kinda loved it. If she was going to Hell she surely was after sleeping with Jaime and baring his child, now this, laying beside a married man, she was an awful person, she was going to hell but when she got there she wanted to go there with Ned's hands all over her, his lips on hers, and his seductive words in her ear.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now