36. Don't Worry, I Fix Him

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Sandor liked Dorne. He liked being away from the capital, liked the freedom. Liked that Joffrey was Oberyn's problem now.

"Again!" Oberyn declared. Joffrey whined out dropped his blade.

"I'm tired!" Joffrey whined.

"AGAIN!" Oberyn insisted. Joffrey looked to Satori miserably. She moved to him kissing his temple.

"You promised to listen to Oberyn and I promised I wouldnt interrupt training." Satori reminded him.

"Not unless I get a kiss too." Oberyn mused puckering his lips and leaning towards her. Joffrey rolled his eyes.

"Train honey, please." Satori begged. "Oberyn is a good teacher, right?"

"Not really. He shouts a lot." Joffrey countered. 

"Then listen the first time and I wouldnt have to shout." Oberyn corrected and Satori felt herself melting at his accent. What was so damn sexy about a man with an accent? She didnt know but the vibrations of his voice sent a tingle right to her cunt. 

Satori took a step back, swallowing the silva building in the back of her throat before she started drooling over a shirtless Oberyn. 

"Go on, I'm watching." Satori remarked heading back to where she was sure she was safe. She sat in the shade, grapes and cheese and crackers laid out before her. She leaned back on the plush couches kicking her shoes off and putting her feet up. Oberyns gaze shifted to her as she rolled up her dress it was really to hot for dresses, she understood why Oberyn didnt like to wear a shirt. Or maybe it was her entertainment. 

"You did the right thing sunshine." Sandor assured, coming up to her. Satori smile back at him as he sat beside her.

"You think?"

"Aye." he agreed. "Plus, this is the best wine I have ever drank." he added. "And i dont fucking like wine." 

"They dont really have ale." Satori realized. 

"It's nice here." Sandor offered. 

"I can't thank you enough Sandor, for coming with us." Satori remarked touching his arm. "And for... keeping quiet about the other thing." 

"You have always been good to me." Sandor answered honestly. "Your son is a cunt but hopefully prince shirtless over there can help with that." Satori choked out a laugh. 

"Tell me how you really feel." She mused. 

"I just did." Sandor assured nudging her. 


Joffrey was tired, sore and starving, he scarfed down a meal and Oberyn pulled Satori aside. 

"Oberyn," Satori warned. 

"Come my dearest, come..." 

"Come you say?" Satori teased. Oberyn licked his lips as she smiled down at her. Satori blushed. "I'm sorry, I dont know where that came from." she declared covering her face. 

"I liked it." Oberyn purred. "But no, not yet at least. I have a surprise for  you." Oberyn remarked. 

"Whats this?" Satori questioned seeing a lion banner gold and red flying in the breeze.

"A little bit of home

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"A little bit of home. Since you will be here for a long while." Oberyn remarked.

"That your nice was of saying Joffrey needs a lot of work?" Satori pondered.

"Ahh yes." Oberyn agreed honestly. "He has the fundamentals down but he doesnt listen."

"Tell me about it." Sandor agreed.

"Hes not good with the word no... And commands." Satori agreed.

"Dont worry, I fix him." oberyn assured.

"Thank you." Satori agreed and before she knew what was happening Oberyn's lips were closing in on her. Satori put a hand up so he kissed her hand. He opened his eyes lips still on her hand, he peered around her hand and she smirked. 

"Slow it down Romeo." Satori reminded him. 

"Do I need to get joffrey's blessing to kiss his mother?" Oberyn questioned. Satori couldnt breathe. "Am I wrong? I am a good judge of character... I am very observant... Satori, Satori my dearest," Oberyn purred grabbing her hands. "I love you. You know my children are all bastards. All my girls. It doesnt make me love them any less. It does make me curious however as to how your sister acquired him." 

"It's a long story." Satori offered. 

"If only we were in the middle of sun spear with nothing but time and no where to go." 

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