5. Ms Perfectly Fine

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"Grandsire got me a new blade for my two and ten name day." Joffrey remarked holding it up.

"Oh father it is lovely.'' Satori agreed.

"It's got a lion head on the hilt, look!" Joffrey ran up to Satori he held it out for her. She touched the lion head, a smile on her lips.

"Beautiful, almost to pretty to use." Satori half mused. Tywin rolled his eyes.

"Blades are meant to be used." Tywin corrected touching Satori's cheek.

"He's still young." Satori whispered.

"Clegane was in Robert's rebellion same age as Joffrey is now." Tywin recalled. Sandor gave a nod.

"Yes and have you seen the size of Sandor vs my joffrey?" Satori corrected.

'Satori love, did you look at those proposals I sent you?" Tywin questioned.

"I did." Satori agreed slowly.

"Any of the men stick out?" Tywin pondered.

"No, I'm sorry father. I will keep looking."

"I know you wanted to stay close and help Cersei with the children but they are grown." Tywin reminded her.

"They are still children, they still need me." Satori objected quickly.

"Satori, let me have a feast, at the rock, invite the suitors and let you get-" Tywin stopped himself as Satori started hyperventilating. "Satori?"

"I..." Satori rasped for breath, the thought of being torn from her child made her sick and dizzy. Joffrey grabbed her hands resting his forehead against hers.

"It's okay mama, I'm right here." Joffrey whispered calming her down. "I'm right here." The two were codependent. Satori was okay with that, she knew one day he would fall in love and no longer need his mama or decide he wanted to be a knight and no longer wanted to be tucked in at night. Satori knew that day would come and she didnt want to rush it by leaving him.

"Why dont we have it here?" Cersei suggested. "Invite them here for Satori to meet."


Satori was in her lannister red dress, her hair in waves of blonde and she was hiding. Joffrey was interrogating the men while Satori wanted to vomit.

"My lady? Are you alright?" Satori looked up from the floor and kept looking up.

"Sandor," she whispered. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Yeah, ms perfectly fine on the ground crying." Sandor agreed. Satori offered him a small smile. He offered her a hand up.

"I know I must look a fool." Satori reasoned. "In my party dress and I'm a mess."

"You have always treated me right, like family," Sandor remarked. "If you want to hide from all those lords begging to get in your skirts then I can be your guard." Sandor informed her. "Satori who? Never heard of her." Sandor mused and Satori sniffled wiping her eyes.

"I dont even know why I'm a mess." Satori remarked. "It's not like I"m going to marry any of them."

"What do you got against marriage anyway?" Sandor pondered.

"Nothing." Satori admitted. "I want to be wed one day, I just want it to be for love, not duty."

"Cuz duty for your sister turned out so great." Sandor agreed.

"Yes." Satori agreed. "I love Joffrey and the children, I dont want to leave them, start a new family, not when I need them... when they might need me."

"Joffrey calmed you down." Sandor agreed.

"He knows that I need him. He knows that I... he's like my baby." Satori offered.

"He loves you, I dont think he loves anyone else." Sandor informed her.

"Where is Satori?" Tywin questioned.

"She is missing this great wine." Tyrion agreed.

"Tyrion." Tywin grumbled.

"What? I'm drinking her portions." Tyrion offered.

"Where is my mother?" Joffrey hissed.

"She is with your uncle." Tywin nodded to Cersei and Jaime. Joffrey spun around. He still forgot at times that Tywin didnt know, that Tyrion didnt know. Just Cersei and Jaime and his mother knew the truth. Joffrey couldnt exactly say not that mother because that would raise questions so he began to march off but Tywin spoke up again.

"Joffrey, would you try and find your aunt, this is her party and she is missing it." Tywin requested.

"Gladly." Joffrey agreed a new spring in his step as he headed out of the banquet hall. Tyrion looked to Tywin surprised.

"I was expecting a bite me old man comment, that was refreshing." Tyrion remarked. Tywin took the wine from him.

"YOu have had enough."

"Auntie?" Joffrey drawled out annoyed. He walked to her chambers and heard her laughter coming from inside. Was she with a suitor? She couldnt be, she wouldnt betray him like that. Joffrey pushed open the door and his anger faded when he saw his mothers smile.

"Oh, Joffrey honey, come here, Sandor was just telling me a story." Satori remarked reaching out for Joffrey. He sat heavy on her lap but she snuggled him closer.

"Grandsire wants you back inside." Joffrey murmured.

"You were sent to get me?" Joffrey nodded. "You didnt find me, instead, we eat cake and drink some wine while sandor finishes his story." Satori requested. Joffrey took the glass from her. "You might not like the taste," Satori informed him. "But you can have a sip when you are with me." Joffrey's face pinched as he drank it. But he ate the cake and took another sip of wine the flavor becoming less bitter on his tongue as Satori kissed his cheek and neck while Sandor told her a story of when he younger.

Joffrey didnt really think about sandor having a life before he got here, he found it strange to think of sandor as small once. But he liked his mothers smile as they talked. As long as Satori never wed, Joffrey was happy, he didnt like sharing her with anyone.

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