37. Home Sick

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Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry Baratheon 

Satori woke up and for a brief moment she thought she was back at the capital. Thought she was in Ned's bed when she felt a warm body beside her. Felt the arm draped over her, fingers interlocked with her own. Her head turned slightly and a smile appeared on her face when she saw it was Oberyn.

"Good morning, lovely." Oberyn coed, not opening his eyes, he just knew. She kissed his nose and his eyes peeled open. "Wow, a nose kiss, we were taking things slow." Oberyn teased.

"Says the man in my bed." Satori mused.

"I'm not naked in your bed. I could be though." Oberyn assured kissing her shoulder. Satori didnt remember how Oberyn ended up in her bed but she was glad that he was here. He knew and he didnt hate her, didnt think any less of her. She wondered if it was a normal thing here in dorne, just like the Targaryen's incestuous ways. Maybe it didnt matter to everyone else. But it mattered to Satori.

"I'm old school." Satori remarked as she got up. "I'm going to be married before I ever do that again." Oberyn tsked rolling over.

"There is so much more we can do, not just sex..." He chuckled. "There are many ways to claim a body, sex is just the simplest one."

"Is that so?"

"I mean sex with myself is not simple," he assured "in fact it is complex, a ride, an exhilarating high you never want to come down from." Oberyn assured her satori chuckled smiling back at him. "but I would be happy to test all the ways to claim a body and soul with you." Oberyn assured.

"I always loved your confidence." Satori admitted.

"Lets see what else you love about me." Oberyn purred kissing along her neck. She blushed as her face turned to the ground.

"I'm suddenly starving." Satori remarked taking a step back.

"As am I." Oberyn purred. "As am I."

"Dead body in the town square," Tyene remarked, as if that was normal, Satori gaped back at her. "Bled out all over the tulips."

"Just as well, if you ask me. It's the end of their season and they were looking a little miserable, so all that blood appears to have livened the square up a bit." Nymeria mused watching Satori's face twist.

"And there goes my breakfast." Satori murmured as sandor took another bite.

"Blood is blood." Sandor countered.

"Mo-" Joffrey hesitated.

"Your mother is an amazing woman," Oberyn remarked. Joffrey stared back at him unblinking. "I greatly admire her, you need not hide your love for her." Joffrey sat beside Satori not knowing what to say.

"Oberyn is a good secret keeper considering how loud he is." Satori mused.

"This is good," sandor remarked taking another bite.

"Once you go dornish you never go back!" Oberyn declared. "That goes for all things." He added a purr in satoris ear.


"Why do I feel like you are trying to kill me?" Joffrey questioned when oberyn begun their next level of training.

"Im not. Your mother would be so terribly sad." Oberyn corrected.

"She would, she might kill you if you killed me, harmed me in any ways." Joffrey agreed. "You dont want to see her upset." 

"No I dont, stop stalling, Joffrey." Oberyn insisted. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now