10. Kids Table

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"Apparently Satori needed a northern man." Cersei remarked innocently and Jaime tensed. 

"What are you talking about?" Jaime countered. "My Satori likes the sunshine. Satori sunshine!" Jaime declared. Cersei chuckled. 

"She was getting very cozy with a northern man." Cersei repeated. 

"Who?" Jaime demanded. 

"Handsome and rugged, Satori's type." Cersei mused. 

"Handsome and lean." Jaime corrected. Cersei glanced back at him. "Thats her type." 

"How would you know? She hasnt been with a man since she was 14." Cersei corrected. 

"You look so handsome." Satori assured fixing Joffrey's collar. "Maybe sit by Sansa at supper and get to know her."  Joffrey groaned out, Satori kissed his cheek smiling back at him. "You promised me you wouldnt jump to judgement, you would meet her first." 

"I know." Joffrey agreed as there was a knock on the door. Satori moved to the door half expecting Sandor but Ned smiled back at her. 

"The castle can be a bit confusing," Ned remarked. "I thought you might want a guide to the feast." 

"Thats so sweet." Satori agreed. "Thank you, Ned." Satori turned to Joffrey, reaching for him. "Come on, time to party." Joffrey leaned into Satori, she hooked her arm with his and Ned smiled back at them. 

"You really love your aunt," Ned remarked. Joffrey blinked back at him before nodding. "I hear that you and my Sansa might have a union in your future." Ned added. 

"I heard the same." Satori agreed when Joffrey remained silent. "Of course it is his parents choice-" Satori added. "But-" Ned chuckled. "What?"

"My father used to say nothing you say before the word but counts." Ned offered. 

"Then its not his parents choice," Satori laughed out and Ned fell in love with that laugh. "And I think the kids should court, see if they like each other before their futures are decided." 

"I like that idea. I dont think Robert will." Ned countered. 

"But you are sansa's father, you have a say, a right to your daughters future. Not just Robert." Satori reminded him. Ned smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you Ned." 

"For..." Ned whispered his mind clouded by those red lips. 

"Walking us here." Satori remarked nodding to the great hall, Ned meant to take a few wrong turns so he could spend more uninterrupted time with her. Satori headed in and Joffrey reached for a glass. He saw the crimson red wine inside and took a sip. "Not too much my love." Satori remarked. "You dont want a head ache in the morning." Joffrey nodded holding out the cup to her. "One glass is fine." Satori assured touching his cheek, just pace yourself honey." Joffrey smirked handing her his glass and picking up a fresh one. He clinked his glass to hers. "Come on, lets go meet Sansa properly." 

Joffrey moved through the crowd, the stark children were not hard to spot, they were in the middle table. All bickering, but Sansa's gaze shifted to joffrey the moment he stepped into the great hall. 

'The wall isn't going anywhere.' Benjen Stark reminded his nephew, Jon outside.

''I'm ready.' Jon assured him.

''you don't understand what you'd be giving up, we have no families none of us father any sons-' Benjen explained. Most days Benjen regretted that. After all this time, seeing Ned's family grow while he just got more miscreant brothers.

'I don't care about that.' Jon told him but Benjen saw his face shift.

'You might.' Benjen told him 'if you knew what it meant... I better get inside and rescue your father from his guests.' Benjen said 'we will talk later.' he assured, giving Jon a pat.

"Hello Sansa, I'm Satori and this is Joffrey." Satori introduced. Sansa got up doing her very best curtsey for Joffrey. Joffrey bowed his head slightly. "Arent you just lovely," Satori remarked. "Can we sit with you?" 

"You can sit up front Lady Lannister." Sansa remarked. 

"Is that code for this is the fun table, we dont want any grown ups?" Satori mused, Theon and Robb chuckled. Satori looked to them. "Oh it definitely is." She decided. 

"Thats not what I meant!" Sansa corrected. "Just if you wanted to sit up front-"

"It's okay, you kids have fun." Satori remarked. 

"I didnt mean-" Sansa whimpered. 

"You kids have fun." Satori assured touching Sansa's shoulder. "I remember what it was like to be young." 

"You are still young," Theon remarked. "And beautiful." He added. Satori smiled back at him bringing a hand to her heart. 

"Thank you and what's your name?" Satori questioned, Theon rose up to address her properly. 

"Theon Greyjoy, my lady." he answered. 

"Nice to meet you lord Greyjoy." Satori replied and Theon felt a wash of pride, Lord Greyjoy, not just Theon.  Joffrey grabbed onto Satori's hand as she took a step away. "Sit, eat, talk, I won't be far." Satori whispered kissing his temple. 

"You baby him." Cersei murmured when Satori took her seat. 

"Sansa seems lovely." Satori declared, Catelyn beamed back at her. "Nervous little dove." She added softly to Cersei. 

"Thank you!" Catelyn agreed. "I'm proud of her." 

"Where is Tyrion?" Satori questioned. 

"Probably still... out." Cersei remarked taking a long sip of wine. 

"Nonsense, its been hours." Satori countered. 

"He has good stamina apparently." Cersei offered and a shudder went through her. "Gross, no more Tyrion talk." Cersei begged. 

"I'm going to find him." Satori remarked. Ned's eyes followed her as he tried to get back Jaime. 

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking Neds way. 'I hope it's true'' but Jaime wouldnt hope it true if he knew the woman that captivated Ned's eye. 

''Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him. He watched Satori head outside, she wasnt dressed for that whether, she didnt even have a cloak on. 

''I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

''I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him.

''No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned corrected. 

''Well said.' Jaime told him grinning but Ned pushed past him. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now