35. Passion

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"This is good." Satori agreed. 

"Just good?" Oberyn mused. 

"It's better than the capital but I dont know about better than the rock." Satori agreed. Oberyn brought a hand to his heart, tipping back in his chair. 

"You wound me with our words!" Oberyn declared, his accent thick and his eyes the deepest chocolate brown that drew Satori in. It didnt take much, Oberyn was sex. Not just sex on a stick, not sex in a suit. Everything about him radiated- oozed- sexy. His tongue ran across his upper lip as he smirked back at her. "I might need you to make it up to me."  He reached out a hand for her and she blushed shaking her head. 

"Nope. I could get pregnant just looking at you. Go away." Satori instructed. He grunted.

 "Isn't that a rite of passage to manhood? Knock a girl up and leave?" Oberyn teased and Satori's breath caught in her throat. 

 "That's what they seem to think." Satori offered softly. Oberyn noticed how she looked to Joffrey when he said it.

"I'm sorry love, you know I'm not like that I didnt mean-"

"I know." Satori assured. She brought a hand to his chest. "But i'm not here for... that." 

"Are you sure?" Oberyn countered. 

"I want you to make a man out of my joffrey." Satori remarked.  Oberyn got up pouring her a fresh glass of wine before he took a seat next to her, enveloping her in the smell of the ocean and a hint of sandalwood and a spice she couldnt identify.  Something dornish surely. 

"Make a man out of the future king?" Oberyn mused. Satori nodded. 

"What do you say Oberyn? For an old friend?" 

"Are you staying for this make a man out of Joffrey mission?" Oberyn countered. 

"OF course." Satori agreed. "I stay with Joffrey." 

"Then yes." Oberyn agreed. 

"Really?" Satori reached out for him and he stood up. 

"Wow, Satori lovely, I'm not here for that. This is professional." Oberyn remarked and Satori rolled her eyes. "I wouldnt want to impregnated you with just a-" his head snapped away and back to her. "look."  Satori clamped her lips together rubbing them together. "Unless you change your mind and we can make things less professional." Oberyn assured sitting back down beside her. Satori leaned in kissing his cheek. 

"Papa," Tyene called out. 

"You have a daughter?" Satori questioned getting up. She had heard him say train with my daughters but her mind wasnt really focusing on the words before. 

"Many." Oberyn agreed. "This is Tyene." 

"You arent married, did I miss a marriage announcement?" Satori countered confused. 

"Bastards." Obeyn corrected. "Each and every one of their beautiful selves. Tyene, this is my dear friend Satori Lannister." 

"Hello my lady." Tyene answered with her best curtsy. 

"Hello." Satori mirrored her. "You are so beautiful, Tyene." 

"Thank you my lady." Tyene answered softly. 

"YOu can call me Satori." She assured. "How old are you Tyene?" 

"I'm ten and three." Tyene answered. 

"My joffrey just turned ten and five not too long ago." Satori remarked. Tyene glanced back at Joffrey. 

"I will go say hello." Tyene offered heading off. 

"How many children do you have?" Satori questioned. 

"Six, all girls." Oberyn answered.  Satori gawked back at him. 

"Six? With the same woman?" She pondered and Oberyn laughed. 

"No, there was one that had three of them. Tyene is her eldest but she passed with the last one." Oberyn remarked. 

"I'm so sorry, when did she pass?" Satori questioned gently. 

"It has been years since, her name was Ellaria." Oberyn answered. "She was my paramour... I loved her dearly but her children are a good reminder of her and the love we shared." 

"Thats beautiful." 

"Bastards are born of passion." Oberyn purred moving around her. "They are nothing to be ashamed of." Satori hesitated. "I hear things about the capital..." he added gently. "And the king dies and their heir is missing." 

"Not missing, becoming a man." Satori corrected. Oberyn nodded slowly. 

"When and if you feel ready... you know you can tell me anything." Oberyn remarked. "I know it has been many years but Satori I always thought of you fondly." 

"As I you." Satori agreed. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her lips and her eyes drifted shut. 

"You all are safe here, Satori." He whispered against her ear. "I will protect you, maybe together we can get past the demons in your head." 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now