40. The Sun

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'The most complicated relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. We are our own greatest mystery, our own biggest challenge. Life isn't a quest to find ourselves; it's a quest to define ourselves.'"

Joffrey stared back at oberyn debating that.

"So I need to find myself?" Joffrey questioned.

"I dont know. Do you?" Oberyn countered. Joffrey blinked confusion filled him. "I saw explore yourself and your passions. Just as your sister- cousin- Myrcella is with Trystane. She is fitting in nicely dont you think? She has embraced dorne."

"I suppose." Joffrey agreed.

"Have you embraced all that dorne has to offer? Have you embraced your self?"

"I dont know." Joffrey admitted.

"Maybe go for a walk and figure that out." He suggested. Joffrey nodded heading off. Myrcella and trystane were in the water gardens with overyns daughters when he passed. Myrcella smiled waving back at joffrey. He offered her a little wave. Nymeria splashed up at him demanding he join them. Joffrey found himself having fun. Not a care in the world.

Maybe the mystery of joffrey wasnt that he needed a purpose but he needed to relax. Have friends and just be a kid.

Satori smiled down at them from the balcony. She was so pleased that joffrey and myrcella were getting along. That myrcella was smitten with trystane. Satori was distracted when two strong tanned arms wrapped around her.

"Hes a good boy. You raised a good boy." Oberyn remarked kissing her neck. He pulled her away from the balcony and her lit up as he lifted her spinning her around. He looked her over with a fierce gaze that satori knew meant he wanted her.

"Oh my glorious satori... When it's the two of us and that pussy of yours is soft, swollen, and wet, I'll be the one in control. I'll have you wherever and whenever I want—in my bed, on my desk, on the floor right now if I want to. I'm going to own that sexy body of yours so thoroughly that you're going to beg for my cock, because it's going to be the only thing in the world that you want." Oberyn purred in satoris ear. "And once I'm buried balls deep in you and you are filled with me, I'm going to make you come apart in the best way possible. Do you understand?"

"Yes." The single word came out half promise, half plea. "But-" he kissed away her doubts.

The second he did and he saw her surprised face, he reached for her like she was the only air he needed and crashed his lips against hers. Oberyn was overjoy when satori opened easily, her tongue finding oberyns without hesitation, as their mutual lust filled the space between them what little space their was as oberyn pulled her body flushed to his.

Oberyn reached for her ass, squeezing it, and she hopped up. When her legs wrapped around his waist, oberynalmost died on the spot. This was it.

"Oberyn... we cant..." she breathed out, her lips still pressed against his though said otherwise as her eyes fluttered between open and closed. Oberyn lowered her feet to the floor and held on to the back of her neck to keep her close. The last thing oberyn wanted was her getting away from him. But he knew she was not ready for more. Not yet. Notnjn every way he wanted to claim her.

So instead he continued to lick her lips, teasing her with his skillful tongue before diving back inside her hot mouth. They moved in unison, their kisses as easy and natural as the sun rising and setting each day.

Oberyn was ready to kiss these lips taste her constantly. He wanted to lick and kiss every inch of her. His cock had never been this deprived before but he knew Satori would be worth it.

It was like they had been doing this their whole lives. Oberynknew it was because she had been made for him, her lips the exact replica of what oberyns constantly craved.

"Oh my love, We've wasted so much time being apart when we should have always been together." Oberyn whispered. "But I will wait as long as you require you my satori are worth it." He assured. She slightly pulled away, his hand dropping from her neck to let her, as her green eyes softened with his admission.

"Thank you oberyn." She moved backward to her couch and sat on the edge as his body instinctively followed hers. Oberynstood between her open legs, her thighs pressing against his legs, holding him in place. He kissed her again gently holding to rosy cheeks.

"Ohh," Oberyn whispered against her lips. "You taste like sunshine." Satori giggled back. "I see why Clegane calls you Sunshine."

"He hasnt tasted me," satori giggled back.

"Ahh then it must be that your smile lights up every room." Oberyn agreed. "Like the sun."

"Oh Gods," satori mewed as his lips descended upon her neck.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now