22. Stab

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'Lord Stark.' Varys said, greeting him in the small council room.

'Lord Varys' ned greeted him. Varys clutched at neds hands.

'I was very sorry to hear about the troubles you had on Kings Road, we are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery.' Varys told him. Varys was a man of knowledge, it was his trade, it was his skill, observation and keeping the Lannisters informed. Keeping the realms happy. 

'Shame you didn't say a prayer for the butchers son,' Ned remarked, 'Renly you are looking well,' Ned remarked.

'And you are looking tired, you spent a long time on the road.' Renly remarked, "We could have pushed the meeting another day." 

'But then we have a kingdom to look after.' Ned added. Ned looked around the group.

'I hope to meet you for some time Lord Baelish,.' Ned said hesitantly.

'No doubt lady Catelyn has mentioned me.' Petyr said happily.

'She has lord Baelish I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well.' Ned said slightly smug. 

"Who is my father?" Joffrey questioned. 

"He was a sweet man. A strong fighter, a warrior." Satori remarked. "Handsome like you too."

"Thats not really an answer mum." Joffrey remarked. 

"He... does it matter?" Satori questioned peppering his face with kisses. 

"I suppose not." Joffrey admitted and Satori let out a relived breath. How to explain the scandalous deed her and jaime had done. How to explain that she regretted it but never regretted JOffrey.

''All too well, I still carry a token of his esteem from stomach to collarbone.' Petyr traced up his chest.

'Perhaps you shouldn't have chosen my brother to duel with.' Ned remarked

'The man that I chose was a worthy opponent for the woman I was fighting for. I'm sure you would agree?' Ned just looked over at Petyr with distaste. He did not agree. Petyr could have Catelyn for all he cared. All they did was fight recently and Ned was glad to be in the capital, glad for the sun on his face, glad for the distance. 

'I hungrily beg your pardon,' Maester Pycelle remarked. 

'grand Maester,' ned said looking to the old man.

'How many years has it been? You were a young man.' Pycelle noted.

'And you served another king,' Ned reminded him

'Oh how forgetful of me,' he reached into his pocket pulling out the hand of the King pin, giving it to Ned.

'shall we begin?'

"Shall we stop for today?" Satori questioned. Robert was already whoring but before he called upon the whores from Baelish's brothel he deemed that Joffrey should man the fuck up and get back to training. Satori wanted to wring his neck but instead she bit her tongue and Joffrey went off to get a few swings in against sandor. 

 "Get some supper?" Satori suggested. Sandor nodded looking to Joffrey who was already walking off. "Thank you, Sandor." Satori added.  "have a lovely night, I can look after Joffrey. YOu deserve a break." 

"Thank you, sunshine." Sandor agreed. 

"Enough of that, young lady. Eat your food." Septa Mordane demanded as Arya stabbed her knight into the table between her fingers.

"I'm practicing." Arya corrected

"Practicing for what?" Sansa countered confused.

"The Prince." Arya declared wickedly. 

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