46. Someone's Everything

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Elia adored Satori. Now that joffrey was less possessive of his mother and she really got to bond with the girls satori realized how much she may have missed out on. She didnt think she wanted more children because joffrey was so needy but she needed joffrey too but he was growing up. He didnt need her as much.

She liked being someones everything. She liked that oberyns three youngest daughters came to her with their questions or to play. Liked that they asked for stories and songs at night from her. She loved tuck in times. She loved snuggling up beside them until they fell asleep. She loved picking out dresses and helping little Loreza into her outfits dressing her up like a little doll.

"You love her." Joffrey remarked. "I love her, she's my mum... dont hurt her." Joffrey demanded. 

"Be gentle with my Nymeria or else she will break you." Oberyn warned. 

"We arent... it's not..." Joffrey stumbled over his words. 

"Be kind to your hearts through it all. Love is a dangerous game with many rewards. So, when you have it, fight hard to keep it."  Oberyn reminded him. "Fight hard Joffrey, if you want a chance at what I have with your mother." 

"You think she likes me?" joffrey questioned. 

"She wouldnt have looked twice at you, wouldnt spend her hours training you, wouldnt smile your direction if she didnt like you." Oberyn assured. 

"Thanks, Oberyn. You are not bad at this fatherly advice stuff. I have never had that before." Joffrey realized before heading off. Oberyn smiled to himself, fatherly advice, he was a father, he was becoming a father to joffrey. His girls didnt care for his advice in life and love, they went to satori but Joffrey needed a man in his life, one that... Oberyn could be that father to Joffrey. He wanted to be that man for Satori, the man she could rely on, the man she could turn to. He wanted her forever, he knew what he had to do, no time like the present. 

When Oberyn found satori he ran towards her, he spun her around and hugged her from behind, whispering into her ear.

"I love you my dearest Satori." 

"I love you, my dearest Oberyn.' She answered leaning back into him. He kissed her neck, her eyes fluttered closed , she trapped her arms around his holding him hostage to her. No place he would rather be. 

"Satori my beloved," Oberyn whispered. "I'll never take you for granted. I'll cherish you every day, walk in the shadows so you can shine, open your door for you, hold your hand, tell you every day how special you are," Oberyn remarked turning her gently in his arms, she smiled bringing a hand to his cheek, he always was the sweetest man, the most romantic man. "I will listen when you talk, and make you the center of my entire world." Oberyn declared. "Satori Lannister will you marry me?"

Satori couldnt breathe. He was proposing, asking for her hand, he wanted her forever, he wanted this with her, her messy life made easy in dorne. He wanted her, he wanted to marry her. Surely her father would have words but who cared? She had fled with joffrey and didnt give a damn what anyone said back then what was the difference now? 

She nodded as his lips descended upon her. He slipped a ring on her finger it was a sun finely crafted with a little lannister red gem in the middle and it fit perfectly.

"I'm sorry did you answer? I was so excited." Oberyn remarked between kisses. 

"Yes, yes, I will marry you." 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now