31. Bastard

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Robert was dying and Cersei was smug, everything was coming up Lannister. Joffrey stared down at his father, the man he was forced to call father, his face void of emotion before Robert dismissed him demanding the room with Ned for a private word. 

Ned wrote out his last will, his last words, rightful heir to receive the crown. Cersei was bitching that Ned confronted her, that he knew and Satoris heart plummeted. 

Ned Knew, but he knew all the wrong things, Satori shook her head. Ned was digging and he was digging and Satori was trying to protect her family. She needed to protect them so she had to tell ned the truth. The whole truth... most of the truth. the more he spoke the more Satori knew he needed to know the whole truth no matter how much it would hurt to speak the words out loud. 

"Joffrey is a bastard. He shouldnt be king." 

Satoris brain hurt. She ran a hand over her head, massaging her scalp, messing up her hair as she fisted her golden locks. 

"Satori? Satori?"

Satori was spiraling though. She turned away from him as he spoke, her mind racing, she needed to just spit it out. 

"That's my awful son." Satori agreed. Ned stared back at her confused.  "I was 14 when Jaime and I... I wasn't wed and my sister needed a child, she has a miscarriage, she claimed Joffrey as her own, not even Robert knows."

"Why are you telling me?" Ned questioned. He thought they were Cersei's bastards not Satori's but that would explain joffreys kindness to Satori and satori alone. 

"Because you already know." Satori reasoned.

"I didn't know it was you." Ned corrected.

"I don't know where I went wrong with Joffrey, he has always been... he has a different way of thinking, he's... I love him so much but he has a temper." Satori remarked. "I know that and I'm sorry for any pain he caused."

"Myrcella and Tommen?" Ned questioned.

"Cersei and Roberts." Satori half lied.

"Cersei and-"

"Robert." Satori demanded. "I know what Jaime and I did was wrong but Jaime loves me. We made a mistake when we were children." Satori remarked "It was only the once and I hated myself for it, for doing this to Joffrey." 

"Thats why you... you keep pushing me away." Ned realized. 

"I wont have another bastard." Satori agreed. "I... we... I can take Joffrey and go." Satori remarked. "If you promise to be gentle on my sister and her children. I can disappear and you can rule and Tommen will be a good king."

"What? No!" Ned demanded. 

"Yes." Satori whimpered. 

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Ned countered.

"I don't see another way." Satori countered. Ned didnt know about this the only way he would survive the capital was with Satori here, if she left, even with joffrey he would have to deal with Cersei and Jaime and Tywin.

"Please ned." She begged her hand rubbing soothingly at the base of his head she rested her forehead against his. "Hes my boy Ned. I love him." She kissed him gently and Ned felt a wash of peace run over him. Satori had that way about her.

"Whatever you need to do, I will support you and miss you." Ned whispered. 

"Thank you, Ned." Satori agreed kissing him again and if felt like goodbye as her lips left his. 

"What will you tell cersei? Tell the realms?" Ned questioned. 

"Joffrey is doing his mandatory training. He will be gone a few years... and instead we just dont come back. You can make up something saying he died, we both did..." Satori offered. 

"Gods," Ned rasped. 

"I will tell Cersei, she will agree to it. I will make her agree." Satori assured. 

Satori had to find Joffrey and Sandor.  Joffrey started packing up it didnt take much to get him to leave, if Satori was leaving Joffrey would go with her no questions asked. 

"Sandor?" Satori questioned peering into his chambers.

"Aye." Sandor turned towards her.

"Joffrey and I are leaving and-"

"Leaving? Where?" Sandor countered.

"Somewhere that is not the capital and I know- please know that you don't have to accept. I know Joff wasn't always the nicest to you." Satori assured. "But... I would really love it if you came with us."

"Where are you going, Satori?" Sandor questioned.

"South." Satori offered vaguely.

"Why are you taking Joffrey?"

"Because... I'm saving him from a fate worse than death." Satori offered. Sandor stared at her a long moment. "It was stupid of me, forget I asked. Have a wonderful life Sandor" Satori declared honestly. "I hope we can meet again."

"Wait." Sandor corrected. He stared back at her for a long moment, it felt like ages staring into her green eyes. "I will come with."

"You will?" Satori didn't want to believe her ears.

"Aye, you might be the only friend I got." Sandor remarked. "Maybe Joffrey will learn some manners and you can tell me why you are kidnapping the crown prince."

"He's mine." satori whimpered. "He's my son." Sandor stared back at her in a state of disbelief. How could someone so vicious come from someone so pure and sweet. "Ned made some accusations against Cersei and I didn't want him to get hurt... didn't want Joff or Cersei to get hurt... Sandor if you change your mind, please just don't say anything." Satori watched as he packed a bag.

"I'm ready." Sandor corrected. She didn't know what came over her but she lunged at him, hugging him tight.

"You are my friend." Satori agreed. "I'm glad I don't have to do this alone." 

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