43. Love Me Damnit

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Your name hurts / Criston cole out now!

Satori felt like a woman on fire. She wanted more, she had successfully gone three whole days of ignoring Oberyn's needy glances before she thought she was going to break. 

"Mum?" Joffrey questioned, Satoris head snapped around to him. "Nymeria and I are going to take Myrcella and Trystane out to the lagoon. Is that okay?"

"Yes of course, just be careful." Satori agreed kissing his temple. "Have fun." 

"We will." Joffrey agreed. "thanks mum,'' he added before running off. Satori smiled back at him, Joffrey was going to be okay, this was the best decision she could have ever made. Now onto Oberyn. Oberyn Martell, the best decision that Satori wanted to make... right now. 

Oberyn seemed to have a radar on him for when Satori's mind was weak and she was thinking about him naked because he appeared beside her. 

"Walk with me." Oberyn suggested. Oberyn's fingers trail from the tip of her shoulder to her wrist until they lock together with hers. Satori's eyes dropped to his forearm and the sexy way his veins twist and move as he intertwines their hands. Why are big veins on a man's arm so manly? Satori couldn't help but think but everything about Oberyn was sexy.

"We took a walk back to the bed room?" Satori mused. 

"We both know it is where we wanted to end up." Oberyn agreed pouring her a glass of wine. "I did have a book somewhere around here for you... I... lost it, oops." Oberyn mused. Satori loved how easily Oberyn made her smile, made her laugh, she leaned into him kissing him and Oberyn sighed into her. 

"Joffrey said you two trained today before I even got up." Satori remarked. "You have endless energy." 

"I do, and i wish to use some of it with you." Oberyn agreed. 

"Oh? How so?" Satori mused. 

"I'd love you soft," he whispered, his words caressing her ear. "I'd push my cock in slowly so I could memorize the feel of every inch inside your pussy. I'd hold your legs wide, so I could watch your swollen, wet cunt stretch to take all of me while I eased in and out. You'd beg me for more, but I'd barely touch your clit," Satori shivered at the thought. Her and Oberyn had fallen into a rhythm when she came here, it felt like just yesterday and yet they had been here for over a year or was it two years, she lost track of time, Dorne was so different from the capital. She missed her family but oberyn and his children were more than enough family to keep her busy. 

"-just enough to drive you wild but not let you come. And when you thought you had the torturous rhythm figured out," Oberyn went on. She smiled into him. Yes this was the reason he had so many daughters, because he could sweet talk anyone yet since she arrived in dorne he had only wanted her, she knew he was sex deprived because when she touched him the previous night he nearly exploded at her touch. 

"-when you thought you found a way to come—I'd fuck you so hard, so deep, you wouldn't know who you were anymore. I wouldn't stop until you lost control," Oberyn breathed back feeling himself growing harder with every breath, all the ways he wanted to please her. 

Oberyn and satori could be apart for a century, come back, reincarnated and viola they would still find each other, Oberyn knew that with complete certainty. He knew that they were meant to be. 

"-screaming my name, your pussy squeezing my dick, begging for my cum." Oberyn said as the sharp sting of his teeth against her ear contrasted deliciously with his soft tone. "And I'd give it to you. I'd fuck every drop so deep inside you, you'd never get rid of me."

"Oberyn..." she didn't recognize the whimpering plea that begged for more with just his name.

"Do you want it?"

Who was I? Who was this girl melting at his feet? She didn't know her, but in all of this new chaotic lust ravaging her, she knew one thing—she wanted to. She wanted to discover more about the girl who allowed her to be set her on fire.

"Yes. Please." Satori begged.

"Say it," he ordered. Turning her head enough to meet his heated gaze, she did something she never thought she would do. She obeyed.

"I want you to fuck me."

"No no my Satori, I want to love you." Oberyn purred.

"Love me damnit."

She held her breath as his head lowered, and he dragged an illicit tongue from below her opening up to circle her bundle of nerves.

"Is all this wetness for me? Do I make your cunt wet and beg for more?" he questioned.

"Yes," she breathed back. His smirk was the last thing she saw because as soon as his mouth latched on to her cunt, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she did nothing but feel. Feel the way he sucked on each fold. Feel the way his tongue pushed in and out of her as his thumb circled her clit. Feel the way he bit at the tender flesh as two fingers slid into her slowly. Feel the way they curled as he sucked her to one of the best orgasms she had ever had. She was biting her palm, barely holding back her screams when he eased her back to earth. He peppered kisses everywhere he could reach from his crouched position.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now