25. Enemies

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"It's perfect!" Satori declared. Sandor chuckled. 

"You got me a present?" 

"I got you a present!" Satori agreed. "For all you do, putting up with Joffrey when he's not so nice and just for being a good friend." Satori agreed. "Go on try it on, Gendry is the best." Gendry felt a wave of pride wash over him. Sandor put on the new hound helmet and satori clapped out. 

"Beautiful." Satori declared. 

"I was going for more ferocious." Gendry assured. 

"It's nice." Sandor agreed flipping up the visor. "This is good." he admitted. 

"Thank you Gendry!" Satori declared handing him a pouch of coin. 

'These knights stretch around like roosters out here, even those who have never seen battle.' Ned said riding around the town with Jory

'We shouldn't be out here you don't know who has eyes where.' Jory noted nervously, looking around.

'Let them look.' Ned said confidently dismounting from his horse. 

"This is soo much-"

"Nearly not enough," Satori assured. 

"I'm still working on the helmet for your nephew." Gendry remarked. 

"I know, take your time. You deserve some fun and Sandor gets to keep his head, I always worry when he fights in the tournaments, I think he is going to lose his handsome head." Satori remarked. Sandor shook his head. 

'yes he did call on me, my Lord.' The welder told ned.

"Why did lord Arryn come to see the boy?' Ned questioned.

''I don't know.' He admitted.

'I would like to see him as well.' Ned informed him.

'As you wish my Lord... Gendry,' he called 'here he is strong for his age and works hard show the hand the helmet you made.' He instructed. 

"Satori?" ned questioned. 

"Hi Ned," Satori whispered her face blushing at the memory of their kiss last night, how she ran awawy from him. Gendry begrudgingly turned around grabbed his helmet that he had made handing it over to Ned.

"Bye Ned." Satori agreed. 

'This is fine work.' Ned told him looking it over.

"He made Sandors new helmet too." Satori remarked. 

'It is not for sale' Gendry informed him

'This is the Lord hand if he wants the helmet-'

''I made it for me.' Gendry informed him. "Lady satori requested more and I made it but that one is mine." Gendry declared. 

''Forgive me my Lord' the welder said looking over to gendry annoyed.

''There is nothing to forgive.' Ned assured 'when Lord Arryn came to visit you what did you talk about?''

"Bye Gendry," Satori called back as Sandor led her back, both man and boy stared back at her. Ned had to repeat his question both their minds going blank after Satori. 

'He just asked me questions is all my Lord.' Gendry admitted.

'What kind of questions?' Ned pondered

'About my work first... If I was being treated well if I liked it here. Then he started asking about my mother.' Gendry went on.

'Your mother?'

'Who she was what she looked like....'

'What did you tell him?' Ned questioned

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now