24. No Funny Business

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Joffrey thumbed through a large tome.

"So this is the famous "Book of Brothers"? All the great deeds of all the great Kingsguard. Ser Arthur Dayne. The Sword of the Morning." Joffrey chuckled. "Led the attack on the Kingswood Brotherhood. Defeated the Smiling Knight in single combat. Ser Duncan the Tall. Four pages for Ser Duncan. He must have been quite a man."

"So they say." Jaime agreed.

"He fell in love with the princess Vaera Targaryen." Satori recalled. "I love that story, I hope it was true." Jaime chuckled, Satori was always one for romances, considering her life was lacking in romance she stuck to romance through the pages, it helped her get her mind from lonely nights. 

"Ser Jaime Lannister." Joffrey looked at his uncles name in the book. There was very little written in the Book of Brothers about Jaime. "Someone forgot to write down all your great deeds." Joffrey mused.

"There's still time." Jaime assured.

"Is there?" Joffrey mused. 

"Jaime is still young." Satori agreed. "He has plenty left to accomplish, but some of the knights with the least written just means the kingdoms were safe, the kingdoms were not at war. It was a time of peace. Jaime helped bring us to this time of peace my love." Satori reminded him. 

"When he killed the mad king." Joffrey agreed. 

"It was brave and now we have the current king that wastes Jaime's potential on guarding him while he fucks half of westeros." Satori agreed. "It's not Jaime's fault he helped bring peace and now Gods allow we dont have any more wars coming."


'Good news?' Petyr said approaching Ned in the throne room Ned held a scroll tightly in his hands. 'perhaps you would like to share it with your wife?'

'Catelyn is in Winterfell' Ned told him.

'Is she?' Petyr grinned walking past him. Ned followed him begrudgingly into the city, down to one of Petyrs brothels.

'I thought she would be safest in here, this is one of the safer establishments I know-' Ned pushed Petyr up against the wall.

'you're a funny man you know that?' Ned said 'a very funny man.' he said strangling him

'Ned.' catelyn called from above, ned released Petyr and moved to the Brothel. "seven fucking hells." Ned grumbled.

'The starks and their tempers,' Petyr muttered following him in.

"Gendry, sweetie this is lovely," Satori remarked holding up the helmet. "How the lion one going?" 

"Working on the detailing, forming the shield now, it is in the works my lady." Gendry answered. 

"Good, good, thank you honey, and the other one?" Satori questioned. 

"Almost done." 

"Thank you honey." Satori answered. "I want it done before his name day party." 

"It will be done." Gendry assured. 

'I wish I could see the girls.' catelyn said anxiously looking around.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? Where is Maester Lewin or Rodrick?" Ned said anxiously he couldn't believe she had gotten here alone. what was she doing here why leave Winterfell? He was free of her and she had to keep popping up.

'just for a moment.' Catelyn suggested hopefully Ned saw her eyes darting around.

'Until we know who the enemy are-' Ned began

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now