30. Messy

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"You are staying?" Satori questioned. 

"Aye." Ned agreed turning to her. She offered him a small smile as she closed his door. He sat down on the edge of the bed, she stood between his legs, his hands went to her hips. 

"Things are really messy right now." Satori whispered her nose brushing against his. 

"Aye." Ned agreed again. 

"But my heart-" Satori whispered, he put a hand on her heart. "-it hasnt felt like this in a long time. I thought it was dormant to love." She admitted. 

"Love." Ned repeated closing his eyes. 

"Ned I'm worried about you." 

"I wrote to Catelyn but i dont see her listening to me." Ned remarked. 

"My father is going to war to get Tyrion back, your family will be deemed an enemy of the crown soon enough." Satori warned. 

"Enemy of the lannisters." Ned corrected. 

"The lannisters are the crown, Ned. Dont be fooled. Robert wears it but my father has paid for everything, Robert is a drunkard. He doesnt know anything about ruling but you do. You are good at it." 

"You think?" Ned countered dragging his hand down her chest before tapping his own thigh.

"No person in their right mind wants to be king or hand. Thats a lot of responsibility, a lot of pressure. You were doing a good job... then you quit and ran to a brothel?" 

"I wasnt-" Ned corrected. 

"Sorry, I didnt mean to-"

"Satori I wasnt with any whores." Ned declared twisting her hips in his hands to get her gaze back on him. "I have never been with any whores. Certainly not going to start now." 

"Why did they say you were coming out of a brothel?" 

"I was meeting one of Roberts bastards." Ned admitted. 

"I'm sure he has many." Satori agreed. Ned didnt want to talk about what satori surely knew, her niece and nephews were bastards instead he pulled her closer raising up from the bed and kissing her. 

"I want you, for however long or short we have." Ned whispered kissing her again, she nodded closing her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. 


''I'm sending you two back to Winterfell." Ned told sansa and Arya.

"What!" Sansa declared furiously, "What about Joffrey?"

"Are you dying because of your leg?" Arya questioned.

"Please, father. Please don't." Sansa's voice wavered with panic.

"You can't! I've got my lessons with Syrio. I'm finally getting good." Arya exclaimed.

"This isn't a punishment." Ned assured them. "I want you back in Winterfell, for your own safety."

"Can we take Syrio back with us?"

"Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go. I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I'm meant to be his Queen and have his babies." Sansa declared.

"Are they leaving?" Joffrey questioned. 

"I think so." Satori agreed. 

"You are happy about it too." Joffrey decided and she touched her smiling lips. 

"This smile isnt because the girls are leaving." Satori countered. This smile was because Ned had kissed her like he needed her to breathe. 

"I dont have to marry her. I'm happy." Joffrey assured. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now