50. Eyes Open

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The wedding was beautiful, Myrcella was thrilled, she was happy and in love and dancing the night away with her belove, Trystane. He smiled widely back at her as if they were the only two in the room.

"You what?" Cersei demanded. 

"I... yeah." Satori agreed. 

"I saw this gem on your hand and thought well shit but, OH SHIT!" 

"Apparently in dorne they give rings with proposals, its beautiful isnt it?" Satori agreed. She smiled down at her hand. "He wanted us wed before but I wanted my family here-"

"But you have been giving Ned the eyes since you got here." Cersei corrected. 

"I know, I'm a mess. I love Oberyn I do but... I... I really like Ned, I loved him once." Satori remarked. 

"Oberyn? My he is handsome though, forget Stark." 

"I'm trying to, I love Oberyn I... we..."

"Ooh" Cersei declared happily. "Finally, how was it?"

"Amazing," Satori whispered. "He... it was unlike anything I have ever..." she glanced back at Oberyn, he had an arm draped loosely around Joffreys shoulders as they spoke. "But Ned, and I-" Satori felt an over whelming rush of emotion and she wanted to cry. She looked up trying to keep the tears in. "I dont know how to tell him, and I... I see him and part of me still loves him..."

"Two men in love with you, what trauma." Cersei agreed. 

"I'm having a hard time dealing with this." Satori demanded. 

"I love you, so if you want to be moody and difficult we can be moody together, we need another drink!" Cersei demanded. 

"Thank you." Satori agreed. "I do really love him." 



"He seems to really love you but you should have seen Ned light up-"

"Dont say such things." Satori demanded. "Gah! You know Ned left his wife for me I think and I come back engaged."

"Does he know you are engaged to mr gorgeous?" Cersei questioned. 

"No." Satori admitted. 

"Satori," Cersei chuckled. "Stringing him along? Thats really not like you, Oberyn has corrupted you." 

"I know, I'm the worst!" Satori sobbed out. 

"Stop it, you are not," Cersei assured. 

"Hey, there. Do you guys want to dance?" The sisters shared a look.

"No, thank you." Satori answered.

"You sure?" The man countered.

"Oh, my God, excuse you!" Cersei demanded. "Do you see that we're in the middle of something here?" Cersei spat. "Does it look like my sister wants to fucking dance?" He took a step back. "Read the room, fucko." Satori brought her hands to her face to cover her laughter.

"Read the room." Satori giggled back as he ran off.

"What in the hell is fucking wrong with people?" Cersei demanded.

"Seriously!" Satori laughed out. "Poor guy, he just wanted to dance." Satori countered cersei rolled her eyes.

"Those girls look like they might kill themselves dealing with Satori's many suitors in life. Maybe they want to get a nice jig in before they jump off the bridge." Cersei mused. "What an asshole."

"He really is." Satori agreed her face serious before chuckling. "Oh, God. I do actually kind of feel like dancing."

" What?"

"I don't know." Satori murmured.

"With that guy?"

"No, no. With you." Satori corrected.

"With me. Okay."


"She really is lovely." ned remarked. 

"She is, after this wedding, I'm excited to marry her." Oberyn agreed. 

"What?" ned spat more aggressively than he meant to. 

"Yes, we are going to be wed." Oberyn agreed. 

"Congratulations," Ned choked out. 

"Thank you, thank you, I can't imagine being apart from my Satori." Oberyn agreed. 

"I'm sure." Ned breathed back. 

"Keep up," Tyrion said slamming his empty glass to the table,

"I don't think I can my Lord," Podrick replied as Tyrion filled both of their glasses and then his sister's,

"It's not easy being drunk all the time," he slurred with the scar across his face healed but satori reached out stroking a gentle finger, she hated that her leaving although she tried to prevent chaos the realms still were at war for a time, she hated that tyrion got caught up in the madness, "everyone would do it if it was easy,"

"Some like sober decisions brother." Satori remarked. 

"Off you get Podrick, I have a feeling Satori needs to talk. I do my best thinking while drunk." Tyrion assured. 

"Do you?"

"I drink and I know things." He agreed taking another sip.  "Whats on your pretty mind?"

"I am engaged to Oberyn but I think I love Ned too." 

"Oh, thats not what I thought you were going to say." Tyrion admitted. "ALright... umm well..."

"I love Oberyn, I do but coming back here I have all these memories of Ned and I and I just..." Satori sighed. "I dont know what to do and I dont want to hurt anyone." 

"Heads or tails?" Tyrion remarked. 

"What?" Satori countered. 

"Heads is Oberyn, tails is Ned. The one that it lands on it your soulmate." 

"I dont think thats very sound logic." Satori corrected. 

"Close your eyes." Tyrion insisted and she did as instructed. He flipped the coin. "I dont have to tell you which side it landed on." Tyrion remarked. "You know, heads or tail when I flipped it one person came to mind." 

"He did." satori agreed. 

"Open your eyes and get your man." 

Eyes open, she knew who she wanted to spend eternity with.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now