13. Tough or Fluff

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"I kissed Ned. Well he kissed me. I liked it." Satori whispered clinging to her elder sister.

"AHH!" Cersei squealed. "One question," she dead panned pulling Satori back to look her in the eyes. "Why Ned Stark?" Satori slapped at her. "Right sorry."


"We don't need to tough or fluff this." Cersei corrected.

"I do. Tell me the truth." Satori begged.

"Go for it." Cersei instructed.

"I said tough, not fluff."

Tough or fluff was no bullshit or all the bullshit. Tough talk, tell me the truth even if it hurts. While fluff was tell me what I need to hear. If either sister said tough or fluff it was serious.

"Go for it, Satori. You deserve a bit of fun." Cersei remarked. 

"Fluff?" Satori countered cautiously. 

"Fuck him and feel all the feels. Then I would also have some leverage on him in case he starts digging." Cersei offered again, another playful slap. "You like him, there is not harm."

"He is married." Satori corrected. 

"And he kissed you. Whats that say about his marriage?" 

Ned and Catelyn much like many married couples didnt share a bed but Catelyn had so much she wanted to talk to him about that night. She snuggled up next to him. Ned couldnt stop picturing Satori though. 

It wasnt that he didnt love Catelyn, she was the mother of his children, but they had grown lax. Catelyn always thought herself in charge. She was always worried what others thought. She was wound up tight like a coil. 

"Jon was there!" Catelyn went on. 

Satori, although Ned didnt know her well, he saw her smiling constantly, Catelyn had this nervous smile that wasnt really ever a smile her face didnt know how to smile. She had resting bitch face Ned decided. A constant scowl. It was nice seeing, feeling the warmth and light that was Satori Lannister. 

"Lady Satori invited him in." Ned remarked. 

"I didnt approve of that." Catelyn sneered pulling away from Ned and suddenly he realized how suffocated he felt around her. He moved pouring himself a glass of wine, he moved to the balcony. "Close the window I'm cold." Catelyn added. Ned stood in the open doorway though. "Satori is not the queen-"

"She is the queens sister." Ned reminded her. "I dont think Robert or Cersei even noticed Jon, they didnt get a formal introduction." 

"I said no. Who is in charge here?" Catelyn sassed. 

"Me." Ned answered. "Excuse me, it was a long night and I wish to get some sleep." Ned remarked heading out and Catelyn huffed a breath. 

"You dont have to-" she sighed as the door closed.  " -leave." 


"Are the boys training together today? Thats wonderful." Satori remarked. 

"Are we just ignoring it?" Cersei mused. 

"Yes." Satori agreed, she nodded to Ned and Catelyn talking. 

"They dont look happy." Cersei countered. "Maybe he told her." 

"Hush, I would hate to be the reason a marriage was severed." Satori corrected. "They have many beautiful children together," Cersei rolled her eyes. 

 'I just got word from the Erie, from my sister. Lysa said Lord Aryn was murdered by the Lannister's!' Catelyn hissed. 'that means that King is in danger!'

'She is a fresh widow Catelyn, she does not know what she's saying.' Ned assured her letting out a huff of a breath. He looked to Satori and Cersei in the courtyard moving towards the princes and his sons. 

'Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found out Ned!' Catelyn exclaimed before silencing herself, they were not along. Why wasn't he taking her seriously, why was his mind elsewhere, his eyes drifting past the falling snowflakes. ''Do you think she would risk her life? Her son's life? To risk telling us that her husband was murdered?'' He resisted the urge to rub his temple she was already giving him a migraine this early in the morning. He doubted Satori ever shouted, she was a proper southern lady, she had sweet smiles and kind eyes. Not this constant attitude towards himself, since the royal family arrived just yesterday.

'If this news is true and the Lannister's are conspiring against the throne who but you can protect the king' maester Lyewen said coming up behind them.

'They murdered the last Hand,' catelyn reminded him 'now you wanted to take the job?'

'They traveled a month to ask for Ned Starks help. He is the only one he trusts. He swore the oath.' Lyewen reminded Catelyn.

'He spent half his life fighting in Roberts wars he owes him nothing!' she spat. 'Your father and Brother Road South once on the kings demand.' 

'A different time,' Ned reminded her 'a different King.' Catelyn huffed a breath. 'if Robert is in danger that means,' Ned said softly thinking it through, "I have to go. I'm the only one who trusts. I'm the only one that can protect him.' 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now