19. Attack

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Satori was trying her best to avoid Ned Stark. Thats the only way this would work after all. If he kept his distance and they didnt have any alone time.

But ned caught her gaze and she didnt run the other way. Ned smiled when he reached her.

"Hello my lady." Ned remarked kissing her hand.

"We need not such formality." Satori assured.

"But it gives me an excuse to put my lips on you." Ned corrected. Playing with fire, Satori thought hesitantly. "I havent seen much of you this journey." He added.

"Yes well." There was good reason for that.

"Could I steal you away?"

She meant to say no. Stealing her away was a dangerous game but the words escaped her lips before her brain could tell her to shut the fuck up.


Sansa stumbled backwards running into Sandor. She stared up at him taking nervous steps back away from him, her eyes wide her lip quivered.

'Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned she didn't answer, Sandor saw Satori heading off with Ned and he pulled his gaze from them. His job was to protect Joffrey yet he still felt like he needed to keep an eye on Satori. After hearing Cersei and Satori talking about Ned kissing her, he didnt want anyone taking advantage of Satori Sunshine. ''or is it him that's making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.'' Sandor teased nodding to Illyn Payne. He snarled back at Sandor. 

''I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. 'Why won't he speak to me?' Sansa questioned sandor.

''He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her.

Joffrey knew what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to play nice with Sansa but he really didnt care for her. He saw her with sandor and thought, yes I will rescue her from the hounds presence, that will be my one good deed of the... moon. So he marched up to them. 

''He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him. He was certainly the most handsome boy she had ever seen and he would be her king, they would wed, all would be merry and Sansa would be the queen. She always had a taste for the finer things after all and what was finer than being queen? ''serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?'' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. 

Joffrey knew living in the capital he had to play a game, he had been playing it since birth after all and he was good at it. Cersei worried about his mental switch, how he could fake a smile and you could hear the concern in his voice but see a void in his eyes. 

''Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.'' JOffrey demanded.  Sandor tipped his head leaving. He didnt want to be near this prick anyways. 

''You lived at the capital long?" Ned questioned. 

"Most of my life, yes.... since Cersei had her first child. I adore her children. Joffrey is like my baby." Satori remarked. "I havent been so lucky on the love part of life and I liked getting to help raise Cersei's children with her."

"You are a good sister."  Ned remarked. "You seem close with your siblings."

"I am, were you close with yours? I know your brother came down from the nights watch." Satori recalled. 

"I was close with my sister Lyanna, Brandon was always one upping me." Ned remarked. "Now its just Benjen and I, he wanted to be a good warrior back in the day but Lyanna was always better than the both of us," Ned chuckled, Satori saw a distance in his eyes and she grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now