18. Love Looks My Way

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"Aunt cersei said we are leaving but its taking forever!" Joffrey remarked.

"You all packed up?" Satori questioned running a hand through his hair.

"I never unpacked. Dreaded place." Joffrey murmured.

"I like the snow." Satori corrected. Her gaze shifted to Benjen and Ned as they passed. Ned offered her a small smile forcing his gaze away from her.

'Jon spoke to me of joining the nights watch.' Benjen informed him and Ned's face dropped.

"I heard about that." Ned agreed bitterly.

"Yeah, he doesn't have a place here, I think him sitting outside at the feast was a shove to the heart.' Benjen told him.

"He has a place with me." Ned corrected.

'Yes but he is thinking long term. He is thinking of the future and he is not going to stay here forever. If you go to the capitol, there will not be a place for him.' Benjen reminded him.

'You think he would do alright? Be safe at the wall?' Ned pondered.

'Something dark is coming but he is a strong boy, skilled, better than most,' Benjen assured.

'that wasn't a real answer.' Ned remarked.

'I cant tell you he is going to thrive but hey I'm still here and hes much better with a sword that I was at his age.' Benjen reminded him.


'A sword for the wall?' Jaime questioned coming up to Jon.

'I already have one.' Jon told him

'Good man have you used it yet?' Jaime questioned looking over jon.

'Of course I have.' Jon said.

'At someone I mean...' Jaime smirked. 'it's a strange thing the first time you cut a man.' Jamie told him 'when you realize we are nothing but sacks of meat flesh blood... Let me thank you ahead of time for protecting us from the powers against the wall Wildlings and white walkers and what not.' Jaime mused, 'the great wall could use good men like you protecting it.' Jamie said pulling Jons hand closer before letting him go seeing Satoris sharp gaze across the way.

'We have guarded the kingdom for 8000 years.' Jon reminded him

'Is it we already?' Jaime questioned 'have you taken your vows then?'

"Jaimeson." Satori warned strutting to him.

'Soon enough' Jon answered his gaze flickered to satori.

'Yet you have a woman fighting your battles." Jaime chuckled

"Is this a battle?" Jon countered locking eyes with him. Jaime took a step back.

"Well, Jon snow... Give my regards to the nights watch I'm sure they will be willing to serve such an elite force and if not... It's only for life.' Jamie added pulling Satori with him.

"Are you harassing Jon? Honestly. I dont who im more disappointed in. You or tyrion-"

"Tyrion." They both answered. Jaime kissed her temple.

"Joffrey has been..." jaime tipped his head back and forth.

"I know that." Satori assured. "I dont know whats gotten into him recently."

"Recently?" Jaime countered, she sighed leaning into him. 

"Is the price for our sins?" 

"Would that be then..." Jaime looked to Tommen and Myrcella as Cersei lead them to the carriages. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now