9. Sweet

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Ned knelt in the snow to kiss the queen's ring, while Robert embraced Catelyn like a long-lost sister. Then the children had been brought forward, introduced, by both sides. 

Ned looked to Satori as she still stared up at the snowflakes. He couldnt remember the last time he felt such joy like that. Pure and freeing, he found himself smiling when he saw her. Cersei followed his gaze and a smirk covered her lips. So the honorable Ned Stark wasnt so loyal to his wife after all. He did have a bastard himself, maybe he wouldnt be prying into their lives. Perhaps just flirting with Satori, Cersei could work with that. 

"Satori," Cersei called out. "Meet the Starks." Ned bowed his head to her, she beamed back at him, her smile faltered as he pressed his lips to her hand his lips lingering on her skin, his eyes drifting up her red dress to find her green eyes. 

"Ned Stark my lady." Ned answered. 

"Satori." She added, her breath hitched in her chest, no man had ever looked at her like that before, she was sure of it. Her tongue peaked out licking at suddenly dry lips unable to pry her eyes from Neds. 

No sooner had those formalities of greeting been completed than Robert declared to Ned. 

 "Take me down to your crypt, Eddard. I would pay my respects." Robert instructed.  Ned loved him for that, for remembering her still after all these years. But he couldnt find the strength to pull away from Satori, she said nothing but her own name and he was hypnotized. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, blushing as she looked to her boots twisting in the snow. 

"NED!" Robert demanded clapping a large hand on his back making him stumble slightly. 

"Of course, excuse me." Ned agreed. Satori nodded turning to Joffrey, he rose a quizzical brow at her silly smile.  Ned called for a lantern. No other words were needed.

"What was that?" Cersei questioned nudging Satori. 

"I dont know how Tyrion can go to those places every night." Satori remarked as Ned and Robert headed to the crypts. "Correction its not even night yet." Satori countered. Cersei rolled her eyes. 

"So we are just ignoring that chemistry?" Cersei pondered. 

"No idea what you mean." Satori agreed. 

"RIght, right, then back to Tyrion." Cersei cleared her throat. "Thats because Tyrion is a man whore, just like Robert." Cersei murmured, she glanced back at Jaime as he headed off to get Tyrion. "You havent done the deed since Joffrey."

"And I dont think I ever will again." Satori agreed. Cersei rolled her eyes.

"Its pleasure, its pain its the release." Cersei reminded her. "Maybe you need to find-"

"No, no, I'm okay alone. I have you and the kids." Satori corrected.

"You need a man. Maybe if Joffrey-"

"He is possessive." Satori corrected.

"Maybe if you had a man you wouldnt feel the need to satisfy Joffrey's every need, you would get your needs satisfied." Cersei went on.

"I'm satisfied in taking care of my boy." Satori assured. "Excuse me."

 'Lord Eddard stark I would name you the hand of the King.' Robert declared. Ned got down to one knee.

'I'm not worthy of the honor.' He told Robert.

'I'm not trying to honor you I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom will I eat drinking whore my way to an early grave,' Robert informed him. 'Come on Ned, stand up,' he said patting his shoulder 'you helped me win the iron throne now let me help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived we would've been bound by blood but it's not too late,' Robert told him. 'I have a son you have a daughter we will join our houses.'' 

"You alright Lady Sunshine?" Sandor questioned. Satori chuckled.

"Yes, I'm just hiding from my sister." Satori admitted.

"I hear ya." Sandor agreed with a chuckle. "You are safe with me."

"Thank you Sandor."

"I got you sunshine." Sandor assured.

"Arent you cold out here?" Satori questioned.  Sandor shrugged. Joffrey strut up to them and Satori beamed back at him. "Did you make a proper introduction with Sansa yet?" 

"No." Joffrey answered. 

"She is pretty, right?" Satori questioned. 

"Are you asking or telling?" Joffrey mused, Satori chuckled kissing his forehead. 

"My sweet boy," Satori whispered, Sandor snorted a laugh. 

"Sweet." He choked out as he moved to the stables to secure his horse, Stranger. Stranger was a big black horse, the size of a stallion no doubt, he needed to be big enough to hold Sandor after all. 

"Lady Satori," She turned at her name, Joffrey scowled, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked to Ned. "Might I show you inside to your chambers?"

"Oh that would be lovely, right Joffrey?" satori questioned. Joffrey looked to her as she massaged his shoulders. He nodded, he was already cold but he didnt want to admit it. "Thank you lord Stark." Satori agreed following him in. 

"Call me Ned." 

"Ned." Satori repeated, Ned offered his arm and Cersei smirked seeing them. It would be rude to refuse his arm, Satori reasoned with herself but she found herself already reaching for him. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now