3. Flip a Coin

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When Joffrey was 5, Myrcella was born. Blonde hair and green eyes, she was the sweetest thing. Joffrey didnt like her.

"Mama," Joffrey whined running to Satori.

"Hello my sweet baby," Satori coed cradling him to her.

"I'm still the favorite right?" Joffrey questioned.

"Of course you are, you are my boy, you are my son." She whispered. "I am always going to love you more."

"You mean, Myrcella isnt my sister?" Joffrey countered. Satori didnt know how to explain it.

"She is but... Cersei is her true mother." You share the same father if that helps, Satori thought with a forced smile.

"But... then why do I have to pretend my aunt Cersei is my mother?" Joffrey asked this question a lot and it didnt make sense to him of course it didnt make any sense, he was a child. Snuggled up next to his mother in secret and in the light of day forced to call Cersei mother. it was strange. It was confusing.

"To keep you safe my love." Satori hoped it would get easier, hoped JOffrey wouldnt resent her for the mistake her and Jaime had made. But now that satori had turned down Jaime's advances saying she wouldnt get pregnant again, she refused. She refused. She wouldnt fall pregnant and give up her babe or have them labeled as a bastard. She was going to do things right this time, she was going to be married first. To a good man, a man that loved her and Joffrey. Jaime wanted more and Cersei was willing to give it.

Jaime was of the kings guard much to their fathers dismay but he still had needs and as much as he craved Satori he understood why she didnt want to. What they had done although fun and equally painful at the time had only happened once she wasnt willing to risk it or be seen making the teas. Cersei was wed and needed more children, one of her own womb. Satori knew that Cersei felt a strife between herself and Joffrey. Joffrey didnt connect with her, Cersei didnt try to. Satori loved that Joffrey still loved herself more. That he didnt push her away.

Satori had been weening Joffrey from her teat but seeing Myrcella at Cersei's made Joffrey want it again. It was like her body knew and she kept producing, she didnt mind, she loved their uninterrupted time together. Her fingers in his hair, the little smile on his face when she wiped his lip clean. The kisses she placed to the corners of his mouth.

She never thought she could love anyone more than she loved her son, Joffrey.

Cersei never had that bond with Joffrey so she doted on Myrcella. Her little princess. Robert of course was not happy. A girl. What good were little girls? They turned into older girls that he could fuck but not own bloody kid. Cersei didnt like when Robert bed her. He always reeked of ale and other womens perfumes.

But her child... her children were hers. She could never love robert like she did before she met him. The image of robert the brave knight the hero was gone.

So she loved her Myrcella, no baratheon in her sweet little self. Cersei noticed Joffrey's mood, his attitude and hoped that Myrcella would stay sweet. She didnt know what was going on with Joffrey, hoped it wasnt some awful side effect from incest. They did say the targaryens went mad... flip a coin... Cersei's mind raced her hand on her stomach as she looked to Jaime. She loved him but she was worried what if their children were going to go mad? What if Joffrey would be like the mad king burning people to the ground. Cersei had to hope that the goodness in Satori transfered to Joffrey over time. 

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