38. Blessing

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"Joffrey and Nymeria have been at it for hours." Sandor remarked. "Im impressed."

"At it?" Satori countered hesitantly

"Training." Sandor clarified.

"Oh yes. They are doing well. Joff hates losing to a girl. A pretty girl at that." Satori agreed. "You think he likes her?" Satori pondered.

"Joffrey enjoys the sight of blood more than his desire for a womans touch or even just her cunt." Oberyn realized.

"I suppose." Satori admitted. "But I had hoped he would find a girl, a sweet girl but one that was... strong, he needs someone thats going to put him in his place." Sandor chuckled.

"He needs your daughter to kick his ass." Sandor nodded to Oberyn.

"As long as they keep their hands and bodies focused on the art of battle, I approve." Oberyn mused.

"Yes, I'm lucky he doesnt have a million little- sorry." Satori whispered.

"Bastards are born of passion, you know this well." Oberyn countered.

"It wasnt passion more than pain, quick and confusing and-"

"So Jaime Lannister doesnt know how to fuck a woman!" Oberyn laughed out. Satori tried to hush him. "I would be happy to show you how its done."

"No thank you." Satori corrected.

"One day?"

"One day... maybe." Satori agreed.

"I'm wearing you down," Oberyn decided, Satori smiled into him.

"How are you still the most charming man in the world?" Satori pondered. Oberyn offered her that easy smile as he kissed her neck. Her head tipped back as kissed along her collarbone. He kissed and sucked along the bone his hands traveled to her hips dancing his fingers around the thin dornish fabric. She bit down on her lip trying and failing at holding back a moan.

A whine bubbled in the back of her throat. Oberyn chuckled against her. Joffrey glanced their way. He was a sweaty mess. He was exhausted yet he felt a slight revival seeing satori. Then his smile faltered. Joffrey stared back at satori and oberyn. Oberyns lips stuck to satori. Satoris head tipping back but arms draped over oberyns muscled shoulders.

"Mother." Joffrey demanded. He liked being able to call upon her and go to her as he needed but he wasnt on board with her falling in love with a dornish man.

Satori hushed oberyn as she pulled herself away from him trying to settle her racing heart. She turned, flushed cheeks, eyes dilated, to joffrey. He stood arms crossed over his chest foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

"Hi baby." Satori cooed. "You done training with Nymeria?"

"Yeah." He agreed stiffly.

"Okay... well... you hungry?" Satori questioned moving to his side. "Oh my, handsome boy you need to jump in the water gardens." Satori decided.

"Come with me?" Joffrey countered.

"Of course. Lovely day for it." Satori agreed. "We will... talk later Oberyn."

"I look forward to-" he chuckled "talking with you."  Satori bit back a smile before turning back to joffrey.

They floated in the water gardens for a long while before joffrey swam over to satori. She wrapped her arms around him kissing his cheeks. Joffrey smiled softly back at her.

"Mama?" He whispered resting his headnon her shoulder.

"Yes my love?"

"Do you love Oberyn?" Joffrey questioned

"I like him a lot." satori admitted quickly.

"You have always turned down men." Joffrey added. "In the past."

"I have." She agreed.

"Not anymore?" Joffrey questioned confused. 

"I... you like Oberyn?"

"I do." He offered cautiously. "I dont want him as a father though." 

"He wouldnt... not really at least, we are just good friends. YOu need not worry." Satori assured. 

"You would tell me if you and him..."

"If feeling grow and advance I will let you know." Satori agreed. 

"He treats you right." Joffrey realized. "Not like that fat cow Robert treated aunt Cersei." 

"He treats me right." Satori agreed. 

"And he makes you smile... he makes you happy, mum?" Joffrey questioned. 

"He makes me really happy." Satori agreed, tears pulling at her eyes. 

"If you wanted to... be with him... I guess as long as he makes you happy." Joffrey shrugged. "Then I guess... if you wanted to... you have my blessing." Joffrey offered. Satori choked out a laugh .

"I do?" Satori questioned her voice rising an octave. 

"Yeah." Joffrey agreed, hugging her. "But the moment he stops making you happy you tell me and we leave." 

"Thank you baby boy." Satori agreed. "I think I might..." she chuckled. They both hesitated when saying things they didnt really know if they wanted to say. 

"You dont have to say it." joffrey offered. 

"Say what?" Satori pondered. 

"Who my father is." Joffrey offered softly. 

"Do you want to know?" Satori questioned nervously. 

"Not really. I havent needed him this long, I dont need him now. I have you." Joffrey assured. 

"Thank you for always making me feel like I was enough." Satori whispered.

"You are more than enough, mum. If Oberyn doesnt see that then kick him to the curb." Satori laughed out holding tight to Joffrey. 

"Thank you, I would never go ahead with anything without your blessing." 

"You have it. I like Oberyn." 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now