49. Plotting Your Murder

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Ned stood, arms crossed and blue eyes narrowed, watching a pair sparing. Oberyn easily got Joffrey down with a thud to his back. Of course he did. Joffrey groaned out as Oberyn offered him a hand up.

To an outsider, Ned might have looked stern, the rule follower the boy scout and most would be right, but Satori could see the pride on his face as he watched Joffrey training, working hard, not crying when he got knocked down, Ned saw the change in Joffrey.

"Next up!" Oberyn declared. "Where's your bow staff?"

"I just punch people." Gregor grunted back.

"NO!" Satori shouted. 

Was this a murder attempt? What had Joffrey ever done to Oberyn? Besides occasionally be a complete and total douche bag but that didnt seem like he deserved to die for it... Ned chuckled. 

Oh it was Ned who wanted JOffrey dead, Joffrey understood now. 

Maybe Ned just wanted his precious son, Robb to become heir in his twisted mind and if Joffrey perished in training it would go to Tommen you idiot, Joffrey wanted to shout. 

Ned smiled smugly back at Joffrey as he swallowed the lump in his throat nervously. Sandor came up pushing Gregor out of the way. Oberyn stared back at Gregor. 

"I need a word with him." Oberyn countered heading off.  Joffrey attempted to preserve his precious life as he looked to Satori instead. Hoping and praying it would work.

"Um... mama?" Joffrey began hoping that would save him.

"Quick bout." Ned declared as he clapped his hands together. Sandor smirked. JOffrey was going to die.

"Fists?" Sandor questioned with a laugh. 

"Be gentle!" Satori begged. Sandor punched in the direction of Joffrey's head, and Joffrey dodged for his life. Sandor and joffery were on better terms than before but some built up anger still clearly was harboring inside sandor and if it was take a free shot day at Joffrey then sandor wasnt going to pass up on that. 

"Good!" Ned agreed.

"Keep moving." Satori added Ned moved to her side.

Joffrey was not the strongest of soldiers but he was quick on his feet. A lean build, shorter... Joffrey was thin and lean but muscled. Sandor was almost a giant.

Joffrey wouldn't hesitate to throw himself into the lake and wait there, breathing through a hollow reed, until he was all alone and could pretend like he was the greatest again. He was good at pretending, at flirting, but fighting, he would rather run away now that he saw the competition. That was the old joffrey though, he had to push that fear down. It was this place though, it brought back old Joffrey maybe he didnt want to come back. Oberyn had been so proud of him. At his progress. Except people were watching.  They didnt just see him as Joffrey as Oberyn and his many daughters did. They saw him as the crowned prince and he needed to succeed. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders once again.

Joffrey did not want to be shunned by the population because he couldnt cut it with the greatest fighters of all time.

Joffrey dodged another punch and resisted the urge to jump in the lake. Sandor wasn't as fast as Oberyn, at least. But he was bigger. A lot bigger and those fists packed a punch Joffrey didnt want to feel 

"Use your speed, Joffrey," Oberyn commanded. He wrapped a hand around Satori and Neds gaze shifted to Satori and Oberyn and his heart sank. 

Joffrey sent an anxious glare in ned and Oberyns direction. The smug smile on Oberyn's face said it all. He was helping and training and tormenting at the same time. 

"Use your strength, Sandor, come on I know you can do better than that," Oberyn added.

Right, Joffrey had almost forgotten that Oberyn was plotting his murder.  Possibly to get him out of the way so he wouldnt have any competition for Satori's attention. That was it. Ding, ding, ding we have a winner, JOffrey deduced. Joffrey took another look at the sledgehammers that were Sandor's fists and flinched back nervously.

"Don't hesitate," Ned advised. As if he wasnt in on Oberyn's murder Joffrey plans to get with Satori, Joffrey thought bitterly. He would like to take back his approval of Oberyn after this training session. 

"Don't patronize me," Joffrey snapped back at them, turning his head. And in the split second it took for Joffrey to turn his head, Sandor's fist connected with Joffrey, Satori shrieked. It hurt just as much as Joffrey had thought it would and Joffrey dropped.

 "Joffrey!" Satori shouted dropping beside him. 

"I didnt hit him that hard." Sandor countered honestly. 

"Sandor!" Satori scolded. 

"He did alright." Sandor offered. 

"Oh my sweet boy," Satori coed. 

"Ow." Joffrey mumbled keeping his eyes closed. "Did I win?" Sandor laughed out. 

"You lasted longer than I expected." Oberyn offered. "You did well, son." Oberyn added. Joffrey's eyes opened staring back at Oberyn from the ground. "You fight like me. Dorne did you well. Come lets get you a drink!" Oberyn pulled Joffrey up cheerily. Satori smiled back at JOffrey as he leaned into Oberyn. 

"Thanks Oberyn." Joffrey murmured. 

"I have seen a change in Joffrey." Ned remarked softly, Satori sighed happily as if a weight had been lifted from her chest.

"Oberyn whipped him into shape." Satori agreed. "He is very strict when it comes to training very loose with everything else." Ned still loved that smile.

"I wanted to see if you... if you and Joffrey would stay." Ned remarked.

"Stay? In the capital?" Satori questioned.

"yes." Ned agreed. "I want joffrey to learn the roles he-"

"What?" Satori countered thoroughly confused.

"He is still the heir and if he keeps up this behavior, I think one day he could be a good king." Ned remarked. Satori blinked back at him. She didnt expect that. 

"Oh Ned, I don't know." Satori countered.

"I havent been able to stop thinking about you." Ned added. "I got my marriage annulled."

"You what?" Satori demanded leaning in.

"I realized that I wasn't in love with Catelyn. My mind was constantly on you, it wasn't fair to her. All I wanted was you, for moons, since I first met you possibly." Ned remarked.

"Oh Ned-"

"I don't expect you to... fall into my arms. I know you had a life these past few years. I don't know if you and Oberyn..." Ned added hesitantly and Satori glanced to Oberyn, charming as ever.

"We..." She didn't know how to explain it.

"But I wanted you to know that if you wanted to give me a shot, I would love to court you. Show you just how much I missed you." 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now