4. Hound

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After Tommen was born Satori started seeing things differently about her precious baby boy.

He liked to scare his half siblings. Tommen was an anxious little boy and Joffrey added to that. Satori didn't understand. She always thought herself kind hearted and caring towards others. Hell she gave up her son for her sister because Cersei lost her child, because Joffrey deserved better than being a bastard.

"Auntie!" Tommen shouted stumbling towards Satori. Joffrey's smile fell when he saw his mother.

"What happened?" Satori demanded, picking up Tommen. That was another thing joffrey didnt like. He wanted all his mothers attention all the time. He didnt want to share her with anyone. TOmmen was blubbering and Joffrey crossed his arms over his little chest defiantly.

"Joff?" Satori questioned. He pouted back at her. "Sandor, honey what happened?" Satori pondered when she saw Sandor behind Joffrey.

Sandor had fought in Roberts rebellion when he was just 12 years old. Satori was only a few years older than him but he towered over her. When Joffrey was born and started running around, Robert thought he needed a guard dog. Satori thought Robert meant a real dog, which she would have loved to have a pet, he didnt mean a canine.

Sandor was 21, he had been with them at the capital for the past three years and it was a transition for all of them. Joffrey didnt like Sandor for starters and everyone called him the hound. His brother Gregor was a mountain of a man and was one of Satori's fathers men. Tywin's mad dog. Sandor followed Joffrey around silently, like a giant ghost.

"You dont tell her anything!" Joffrey demanded pointing a finger at Sandor. Sandor stood motionless, a void in his eyes as he looked from JOffrey to Satori.

"Joffrey, be nice to Sandor, he protects you." Satori reminded him.

"I dont need protecting." Joffrey corrected. He scowled at Tommen still in Satori's arms.

"You are going to apologize to both tommen and Sandor." Satori instructed.

"I didnt do anything-" JOffrey began.

"Joffrey." Satori warned. Joffrey grumbled an apology. "It doesnt count if you dont look them in the eye." Satori reminded him and he groaned out but turned to Sandor starred up at his scarred face.

"Sorry." Joffrey barked up to him. Sandor gave a small nod. Sandor didnt care for the boys apology, the queen and Joffrey were shits. He didnt know where Satori got her sweet smile from, must have been from their own mother.

As the years passed Joffrey trained with Jaime and the knights and Sandor. Satori loved watching them train. Joffrey was a natural and it helped with his anger.

"If I didnt know you better I would think you were drooling over one of the knights." Cersei remarked. Satori looked to her confused.

"I'm watching Joff." Satori corrected.

"I know," Cersei agreed. "He's getting good."

"This is also with dull blades, the moment he asks for a real blade I'm going to have a heart attack." Satori remarked.

"Your Grace, my lady." Jon Arryn remarked as he passed.

"Hello Lord Jon, lovely day." Satori remarked smiling back at him. No one knew what the sisters did and they all could have been safe if Jon Arryn didnt start asking questions.

At first it was just brothels, no one suspected anything, then he got more brazen as the children grew up and he knew something wasnt right.

"Did you see me mum?" Joffrey questioned. Cersei hushed him. Joffrey rolled his eyes wrapping his arms around Satori.

"You were great, you always are." Satori agreed.

Then she paled seeing proposals on her desk when she returned to her chambers. She had successfully avoided getting married and leaving the capital for years. But her father was ever so politely leaving her more and more options.

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