39. Shock

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"Your brother is right." Ned admitted. Cersei scoffed. "A union between the Lan- Baratheons and the Martells, could bring peace, there are many confused and frustrated at the current state of the capital, Roberts brothers included that are confused and worried about the future when Joffrey returns. If lord Tyrion is right, a union with Trystane, prince Doran's son could be vital, they have a strong army." Ned remarked not knowing that Satori was in Dorne right now spinning around in the water gardens. 

"I knew I liked you, Stark." Tyrion remarked. 

"And I hate you both." Cersei agreed bitterly as she marched out. She could only hope that wherever Satori and Joffrey were in the world they were safe and they were together, they were happy somewhere... somewhere...

"I had a talk with my mother." Joffrey remarked, Oberyn looked up from his book, a smile curved his face before he threw the book aside. Joffrey watched it fly before landing with a thud. 

"Oh?" Oberyn purred. 

"What if she never wants to get married? Never wants to bare your children?" Joffrey questioned. "What if she wants to leave tomorrow and never see you again?" Oberyn chuckled. 

"Were we talking about the same Satori?" Oberyn countered approaching Joffrey. 

"Tell me. What would you say to that?" Joffrey demanded. 

"I would say if you really love someone, then what you want becomes irrelevant. I want to marry your mother, I think I have for ages, since long before you were born." Oberyn added. "You see when you fall in love, young JOffrey, that beautiful person you fall in love with, their wants become your wants. Meeting their needs becomes your life goal. In return, they'll do the same for you. They'll bend over backward to make sure you're happy. That's what true and selfless love is—that's the ultimate goal." 

Joffrey liked that answer, it was suitable. 

"And you will bend over backwards for my mother?" Joffrey questioned. 

"I will do a backbend right now but you will have to help me up, I'm not a young pup anymore." Oberyn mused. 

"I'm serious." Joffrey demanded. 

"Me too." Oberyn agreed. "Joffrey, I have never been one for labels... Labels like marriage and happily ever after don't mean anything. It's just an avenue, a way to create a lasting relationship where selflessness can grow."

"And you think you can be selfless when it comes to my mother?" 

"I hope so, I will strive to be every day for the rest of my life... if you allow me the chance to explore that with her. I know that you are the most important person in her world." Oberyn assured. "And i dont want you to think that I'm trying to kick you out. I have always wanted a son. I know I can't be your father-"

"I never had a father." Joffrey corrected. 

"We all have parents. You were lucky enough to have a mother that was skilled enough to be both mother and father with you. Mothers are an amazing thing, they always hold a special place in our hearts." Oberyn remarked. 

"Okay.' Joffrey agreed before heading off. 

"Okay?" Oberyn questioned following after him. 

"I already gave mother my blessing. Its up to her now." Joffrey agreed. 

"You did? Oh JOffrey!" Oberyn declared hugging him from behind. "You do like me!" 

"Stop touching me." Joffrey countered shoulders scrunched up to his ears. 

"Oh yes, of course," Oberyn agreed letting him go. "A blessing, thats wonderful... yesterday you say? Why is she not screaming it from the tallest tower?'

"Maybe she changed her mind."  JOffrey offered. 

Oberyn gasped dramatically. 



"I sent out an envoy." Doran remarked. 

"Why?" Oberyn countered at supper. 

"Because the Princess Myrcella Baratheon is staying with us." Doran answered. 

"Myrcella?" Joffrey questioned confused. "Why is she coming here?"

"You didnt tell them we were here, did you?" Satori added. 

"No, my lady of course not." Doran agreed. 

"Thank you... its not a secret per say but-"

"I understand." Doran assured. 

"Why is Myrcella coming?" Joffrey questioned louder. 

"A union for my Trystane and the princess." Doran clarified. "She will be staying with us until the wedding to which will take place at the capital." Doran held out the note. "I suspect the princess will be here soon enough, a day or two."

"Why did you not tell us sooner?" Satori pondered. 

"I honestly thought your sister would change her mind." Doran admitted. 

"Cersei didnt agree to this, this is someone elses idea, she would never allow Myrcella to leave- are you sure that she doesnt know we are here? That would make more sense." Satori offered. 

"I did not tell them." Doran countered. 

Satori busied herself getting ready a room for Myrcella. Trystane smiled in at her. She reached out touching his thick black hair much like Doran and Oberyn's. 

"She is going to love you honey." Satori assured. 

"I hope so, is she pretty like you?" Trystane pondered innocently. 

"Even prettier." Satori corrected. 

"Trystane, might I have a moment?" Oberyn questioned. Trystane nodded heading out. "My darling Satori," she smiled back at him as he looked her over. "You have been hiding something from me."

"Have I?" Satori questioned side eyed. He sensed her confusion and panic. 

"Joffrey gave you his blessing." Oberyn agreed and her heart settled. 

"I thought I did something wrong." Satori declared slapping the back of her hand against his muscled chest. 

"You didnt tell me!" Oberyn agreed. 

"I just..."

"You having second thoughts? Please say no." Oberyn begged. 

"No, I adore you Oberyn but I just never thought Joffrey would say yes, date, court, find a man you love and I agree that Oberyn is a good man, I suppose I'm still getting over the shock of it." Satori admitted. 

"He likes me." Oberyn said cheekily. 

"He likes you." Satori agreed kissing him. "I really like you." 

"Really, really?" Oberyn questioned his lips meeting hers again, she answered him with a moan. 


"Myrcella." Joffrey waved as she docked. 

"Joffrey?" myrcella questioned confused. "Aunt Satori?" she looked between them before running at them. Satori held tight to her. 

"Oh sweet girl, welcome to dorne." Satori whispered against her ear. 

"What are you doing here?" Myrcella questioned. Joffrey hugged her awkwardly. 

"Joffrey is... learning the art of war." Satori offered. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now