11. Bastard

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'Your uncle is in the nights watch?' Tyrion said walking up the path.

''what are you doing back there?' Jon questioned.

''Preparing for a night with your family.' Tyrion told him, 'I've always wanted to see the wall,' he remarked taking a swig from his jug.

'You are Tyrion Lannister.' Jon remarked 'the Queen's brother.'

'My greatest accomplishment. And you... you are ned Starks bastard aren't you?' Jon turned away annoyed, that was not what defined him. 'Did I offend you? Sorry.' Tyrion said following him. 'But you are the bastard though.''

''Lord Eddard Stark is my father.' Jon told him, as Satori came outside a shiver from the cold air hit her before she saw Tyrion. She was about to call out to him when she heard him talking with someone else. 

''And lady Stark is not your mother... making you the bastard..' Tyrion told him simply, 'let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget who you are or what you are the rest of the world will not, wear it like armor, that way it can never be used to hurt you,' Tyrion told him turning away from Jon.

'What the hell would you know about being a bastard?' Jon called after him, Satoris heart broke. 

''All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes.' Tyrion told him heading inside. "Satori, you are going to catch a cold." Tyrion remarked. 

"Who is that?" Satori countered. 

"Jon Snow." Tyrion remarked. "The Bast-"

"Yes, thank you Tyrion." Satori agreed moving past him. 

"Where are you going?" Tyrion questioned. 

"Hello Jon, I'm Satori." she remarked, he gave her a bow and she smiled in return. "Why arent you inside?" 

"Lady Catelyn thought I would..." Jon stopped himself. 

"You can tell me. I wont tell anyone if its a secret." Satori offered. 

"She didnt want to disgrace the royal family by seating a bastard in their midst." Jon admitted and Satori reached out grabbing his hand. Oh the irony in that statement. 

"You are welcome inside." Satori assured. "I want you inside. I dont care about your birth status. Just the man that you are. Not the title attached." 

"Most dont think like you my lady." Jon countered. 

"I know they dont." Satori agreed. "I'm sorry if Tyrion made you feel... less then." 

"The rest of the world does a good job of it without his help." Jon assured. 

'Ned!' Benjen declared, ned was never going to get to talk to Satori.  "You at a feast -- It's like a bear in a trap.' Benjen remarked. Ned hugged him quickly before pulling him aside, his voice softened. 

'The boy I beheaded. Did you know him?' Ned questioned softly.

''Of course I did. Just a lad. But he was tough, Ned. A true Ranger.'' Benjen agreed. 

''He was talking madness. Said the Walkers slaughtered his friends.' Ned told him.

'The two he was with are still missing.' Benjen remarked

'A wildling ambush.'

'Maybe. Direwolves south of the wall. Talk of the Walkers. My brother might be the next Hand to the king." Benjen remarked, Ned shrugged.  "Winter is coming.' Benjen reminded him.

''Winter is coming.' Ned agreed.

"Uncle benjen!" Robb declared running up to them.

"Ah Robb how are you lad?" Benjen questioned bringing him into a hug.

"Im good." Robb agreed. Ned used Robb as his escape outside. 

"What do you know of your mother?" Satori questioned. 

"Nothing." Jon remarked twisting his sword in the snow, the tip digging into the dirt. 

"Your father didnt tell you about her?" Satori countered, she supposed she didnt tell Joffrey who his father was, it made sense that other bastards might keep half their parentage a secret to help keep them safe, protected. The less people that knew the truth, the safer. 

"I think it hurts him to talk about her." Jon offered. Satori nodded in understanding. 

"He is a good father?" Satori questioned, any man that willingly took in a bastard seemed a good man in her eyes. 

"He is a great man." Jon remarked. 

"But thats not what I asked." Satori reminded him gently. 

"I'm out here because of Lady stark, not lord Stark." Jon informed her. 

"Ah, the wife is always problematic." Satori mused. Jon laughed out but he stiffened taking a step back seeing Ned come outside. Satori felt a heavy weight around her shoulders. She pulled the cloak tighter looking to Ned. A smile curved her lips. 

"My lady, you are going to be frozen out here." Ned remarked running his hands over her arms. 

"I agree." Satori remarked turning to Ned. "But I won't come in unless Jon comes in too." Satori remarked. "And please say yes, my toes are frozen." ned chuckled. 

"Come on then Jon." Ned agreed keeping an arm around Satori. 

"Really?" Jon countered. 

"You heard Lady Satori," ned agreed. "I dont want her losing toes." 

"Thank you, my lord." Jon agreed as he headed in. 

"Jon seems like a good boy." Satori remarked.

"He is." ned agreed. "I dont know that I said it earlier," Ned remarked wiping a snowflake from her frozen cheeks. "Welcome to winterfell, Satori." 

"I feel welcomed." 

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