8. Pure

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"Why's your mother so dead-set on us getting pretty for the king?" Jon questioned.

"It's for the queen, I bet. I hear she's sleek as a mink?" Theon mused.

"I hear the prince is a right royal prick." Robb added

"Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick." Theon agreed ramming his hips forward with a laugh.

"Go on, Tommy, shave him good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair." Robb remarked as Jon sat down.

"Why does my hair always do this?" Satori questioned trying to brush it out. "Why can't I be one of those people that go to sleep beautiful and wake up beautiful? That would be useful."

"You are beautiful mama." Joffrey corrected. Satori brought a hand to her heart, smiling back at him.

"We are going to be at winterfell today." Satori remarked.  Joffrey groaned. "I know I know my love but maybe it will be fun," satori offered.

"Maybe I will freeze to death." Joffrey corrected.

"Oh my love dont say such things." Satori begged moving to him. "You will live forever."

"I dont want to live forever." Joffrey corrected.

"Probably for the best can you imagine the wrinkles!" She mused.

"Sister," tyrion coed kissing satoris hand.

"Hello honey." Satori answered. "Did you sleep here or at a god awful place?" Tyrion smiled coyly back at her. "I wonder how many little tyrions are running around." Satori whispered kissing his cheek.

"Heavens help us i dont want to know that number." Tyrion corrected. "Hello joffrey lovely morning."

"Can we go?" Joffrey countered looking to Satori.

"Can you say good morning to your uncle?" Satori questioned running her fingers through his hair.

"Morning. Can we go?" Joffrey questioned again. Satori kissed his head nodding.

Cersei stared back at Satori as she got into the carriage. Watched joffery cuddle into her. Satori seemed to be the only person in the world that loved joffrey completely through all his flaws and outrageous behavior. Cersei wished she could show such compassion but maybe it was because joffrey didnt love her like he loved satori. Like he craved satori.

"Im hungry." Joffrey demanded.

"I have some nuts and fruits in my bag-" satori remarked but he was already tugging at her dress.

"Joffrey you cant do that once we are at winterfell." Cersei reminded him. He scowled back at her. "I mean it."

"You are not my mother!" Joffrey shouted.

"My sweet boy you have to pretend for my sake and your aunts that she is." Satori coed running a hand down his back.

"Dont tell me what to do cersei." Joffrey demanded.

"Control him." Cersei demanded as she turned to face out the window.

"I'm hungry." Joffrey demanded. 

"When we are there you cannot." Satori reminded him. 

"I know." Joffrey grumbled. Cersei stared back at them as Joffrey gobbled on her teat. 

"He needs to grow up." Cersei reminded her. "You have a terrible time saying no when you really should." 

"I know." Satori agreed stroking his hair. "But he's my baby." Cersei thought that if Satori found a man she would no longer have such a strong attachment to Joffrey, she would transfer that big heart of hers onto a man. 


'I see them coming, the riders!' Bran announced. "The king has 100 people with him!"

'How?' Catelyn questioned hands rooted on her hips, Bran looked up at her sheepishly. 'You were climbing, you said you wouldnt climb anymore.' Catelyn reminded him.

'I wont do it again.' Bran lied looking to his feet. Catelyn took a gentle hand and brought it to his chin.

'You know every time you look down I know you are lying.' Catelyn countered. 'Go on, line up.'

'Where is arya?' Ned questioned looking back to Jon and Theon stood in the second row. Jon shrugged, Ned's eyes drifted around looking for her when arya came running up with a guards helmet on her head.

"Here we are love, isnt it beautiful?" Satori questioned. 

"In formation, Joffrey, get your ass on a horse and out of your aunts lap." Robert barked. "Although we all want-" Satori blocked out Robert's next words as Joffrey got out going to his horse. She smiled back at him while TOmmen jumped in her lap. Satori smiled kissing his cheek. 

'What are you doing?' Ned questioned, "where did you get that?' he pulled the helmet from arya's head and flattened her hair down. 'Go.' He told her pointing down the row of starks as the royal family approached.

Robb watched as the Royal party rode into the courtyard of Winterfell. He looked at Sansa as the Prince Joffery rode into the courtyard smirking at her. Sansa looked at him bashfully then he smirked as he hears Arya whisper to Sansa.

 "That is Ser Jaime Lannister the Queen's twin brother."

"Shut up." Sansa countered. 

Ned did the pleasantries with Robert after a bone crunching hug. But his gaze shifted to Satori as she came out of the carriage, she smiled like a child on her name day her head tilting up to the sky as snowflakes clung to her eyelashes. 

"Look Tommen, look!" Satori declared spinning around arms outstretched and Ned thought it was the purest most beautiful thing he had seen in a long time. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now