23. Please Me

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"It's a big castle, I'm sure I got lost the first fortnight being here, I think I even drew myself a map." Satori laughed out. 

"You seem like an organized person." Ned remarked. 

"I do?" Satori countered smiling back at him. He made her smile so easily. 

"Yes, like someone that likes to be in control of her surroundings, the people and problems around her." Ned agreed. 

"Problems?" She mused. "Ned you are not a problem if anything you are a handsome distraction." 

"Handsome. Distraction." Ned repeated slowly. Satori blushed, bringing a hand to cover her laughing lips. 

"I didnt mean..." but yes she did. 

"Compliment me then insult me?" Ned teased bumping his hip against her. 

"You are late, boy. Tomorrow you will be here at midday." Syrio Forel declared.

"Who are you?" Arya questioned.

"Your dancing master, Syrio Forel."

Syrio threw a wooden sword to Arya, she does not catch it, but dropped it.

"Tomorrow you will catch it. Now pick it up. That is not the way, boy. This is not a great sword that is needing two hands to swing it." Syrio declared.

"It's too heavy." Arya corrected.

"It is heavy as it needs to be to make you strong. Just so. One hand is all that is needed. Now you are standing all wrong. Turn your body side-face. So. You are skinny. That is good. The target is smaller. Now the grip... Let me see. The grip must be delicate." Syrio corrected.

"What if I drop it?" Arya countered.

" The steel must be part of your arm. Can you drop part of your arm? No. Nine years Syrio Forel was first sword to the Sealord of Braavos. He knows these things. You must listen to me, boy." Syrio demanded.

"I'm a girl." Arya declared.

" Boy, girl... You are a sword, that is all. That is the grip. You are not holding a battle-axe. You are holding..." Syrio corrected indifferent.

"A needle." Arya declared confidently.

"Where are you taking me Ned?" Satori questioned. 

"I wanted to check in Arya." Ned remarked. "I needed you with me in case I got lost." 

"Ah, I'm am your personal map. I see how it is, use me for my mind." Satori purred. 

Use you for your body too if she would let him, Ned thought with a cheeky grin and it was like Satori could read his mind because her already blushing face turned crimson. 

"Ahhh... Just so. Now we will begin the dance. Remember, child, this is not the dance of the Westeros we are learning... The knight's dance, hacking and hammering. This is the Bravo's dance... The water dance. It is swift and sudden. All men are made of water, do you know this? If you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die. Now you will try to strike me."

Arya took several attempts as Syrio turns his back, defending her and disarming her constantly. She began picking up on a few things, but still needed much work. When Ned entered in the doorway and his smile turned to a grimace watching his daughter swordfight.

"Who is he?" Satori questioned. 

"Syrio, a dance master." Ned answered. 

"Up! Dead. Dead. Very dead. Come. Again, faster." Syrio declared with every move.

"I dont usually end up dead when I dance." Satori countered innocently. 


"This is for the King from Lord Stark." Jory remarked.

"Listen. Do you hear them? How many do you think are in there with him? Guess." Jaime mused as the king was inside whoring, Jaime's least favorite part of his job, babysitting the king. Jory hesitated hearing the laughter and grunts from inside.

"Three? Four?"

" He likes to do this when I'm on duty... He makes me listen as he insults my sister." Jaime remarked.

"Forgive me, my Lord..."

"Why do I have to forgive you? Have you wronged me?" Jaime countered as Satori came up. 

"We've met before, you know." Jory remarked.

"Have we? Strange, I've forgotten." Jaime countered.

"Jaime has no manors," Satori remarked he pulled Satori's back to him kissing her cheek. 

"You used to like me bad." Jaime rasped in her ear. She tapped his nose swatting him away. 

"The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon." Jory reminded him and Jaime looked him over again.

"That's where you got your scar?" Jaime pondered.

" Aye. One of the Greyjoys nearly took my eye." Jory agreed.

"Vicious sons of whores." Jaime agreed.

"I dont like when you talk like that." Satori informed him. 

"They like their bloodshed." Jory agreed softly.

" They stopped liking it at the end. That was a proper battle. D'you remember Thoros of Myr charging through the breach?" Jaime recalled.

"With his burning sword? I'll remember that till the day I die." Jory agreed.

"I remember you telling me about that. I never wished to be man more, wanting to see a flaming sword." Satori recalled. Jaime chuckled. 

"YOu are too pretty to be a man." Jaime countered. 

"Hypothetically." Satori assured. "I like who I am." 

"So do I." Jaime agreed. "You know, I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell. It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop." Jaime remarked.

"Theon? He's a good lad."

"I doubt it." Jaime corrected.

"I'll bet you smell of blackberry jam! Let me smell it. Come here." Robert declared from inside and Jaime rolled his eyes as Robert was surely beard deep in a whore. 

"Gross," Satori murmured. "You couldnt pay me enough to even be in the same room as a naked Robert."  

"Can I leave this with you? The message from Lord Stark." Jory questioned holding out the scroll.

"I don't serve Lord Stark." Jaime corrected.

"I like Ned." Satori assured. "Jaime will make sure the king gets it once he is done with his fornication." Satori assured tucking the scroll into Jaime's jacket.

"Will I?"

"Because it will please me, yes." Satori agreed kissing his cheek. 

"Oh well if it pleases Satori." Jaime agreed. 

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now