33. Monster

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Heading to dorne to see the martells was like a blast from the past. Satori remembered oberyn and elia visiting with their father when she was younger. Joffrey had complained about the journey but that was typical of him but for the most part he was good. Which was surprising in itself. Joffrey clung to Satori, everything was uncertain right now and joffrey knew it. He had time to process what this meant, but he didnt have to like it. 

Satori hesitated as they approached the gates. Joffrey stared back speechless. 

"It's beautiful." He admitted. Satori ran a hand over his back. 

"Lets see if they let us in." 

"You know them." Sandor offered. 

"Yes, it has been a long time." Satori remarked. "I havent seen Oberyn since I was a child." 


'The prince and princess of dorne are coming!" Satori had declared happily dancing around the rock.

'Don't go falling in love with the prince.' Jaime told her.

'I don't like boy silly, boys have cooties.' Satori told him confidently.

"I don't.' Jaime told her.

'Cersei said all boys have cooties.' Satori countered.

'Well Cersei is a liar.' Jaime informed her, pulling Satori to him. She crinkled her nose at him. Jaime had always been in love with his little sister. 

"I don't know, Cersei sounded very confident.' Satori told him as she jumped into the water, splashing him as she went.

'Why would I lie to you?" Jaime countered and Satori stared up at him.

"I suppose your right.' Satori agreed.

'Just me, every one else does have cooties.' Jaime clarified.

"Now I know you're lying!" Satori declared laughing as Jaime picked her up, flipping her upside down.

'Children!" Tywin called and Jaime put a very red faced Satori back on her feet she smiled back at Jaime as he wrapped his arms around her. 'Come on, the Martells will be here soon.' Tywin told them. 'Clean up.'

'Yes, father.' They echoed, Jaime led her in, hand in hand as they walked. Jaime left her at her door kissing her cheek before getting changed himself.

Satori spun around in her pretty red dress when Jaime came out, grabbing her hand and spinning her around. Cersei watched with distaste as her siblings danced around as they waited for the Dornish to come. Cersei's arms crossed over her chest a pout on her lips as she stared at the door.

'You keep that frown on your face too long and your face is going to get stuck like that,' Satori teased lightly. Satori reached out a hand for cersei spinning her around with them. 

"They are princes, Tor," Cersei remarked. "We have to be the image of elegance and grace." Satori shrugged. 

"They are kids just like us." Satori countered. 

'Your grace.' Tywin said as his children waited patiently behind him. 'Welcome to Casterly rock.' Tywin took a step to the side. 'My children. Jaime, Cersei and my littlest Satori.' Tywin said proudly, Tyrion was still in his crib only a year old now and Tywin and Cersei hated him still.

"I'm not little." Satori countered rooting her hands on her hips. Tywin smiled down at her, his little ray of sunshine. 

'My son, Oberyn and my daughter Elia.' He introduced and they bowed and curtsied as did the Lannister's the proper little children, perfect models of what grace and elegance should look like.

Eyes Open / Ned Stark / Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now